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Science Woke

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Recent Science Woke Articles

by Jeff Yee (2020-08-17 18:45:18)
This project intends to model the universe as a physical medium, oscillating to form waves, using only classical mechanics equations. Matter is expected to form from standing waves, and the forces upon such matter as a result of wave interference of longitudinal and transverse waves. This web site explains the mathematical model for the simulation. As potential starting points, a summary video highlights the simplicity of the model, or for more detail, three papers explain the model in classical terms. awaken
by David de Hilster (2020-07-09 15:33:12)
It wasn't until just days ago that I finally came to the realization as to why Einstein became so famous. After almost three decades studying arguments against relativity including spending over 8 years making the documentary "Einstein Wrong", I finally pinpointed exactly why the public put Einstein onto a pedestal. awaken
by Cynthia Whitney (2020-04-08 14:32:00)
Now the fact is this: The Sagnac effect is fatal to SRT as presently practiced. Draper people already knew that, and I soon knew it too. And that is how I became a Dissident Physicist. awaken
by Harry Ricker (2020-02-17 18:12:15)
The Theory of Natural Philosophy was written in Vienna and is Roger Boscovich’s magnum opus. There are two editions. The first edition, the Vienna edition, was finished while Boscovich was living in Vienna, Austria in the years 1756-1760. In 1758, when Boscovich was age 47, the First, or Vienna, edition appeared. Later in 1763, Boscovich published a second edition in Venice. Significantly the second edition has a completely different title, which reflects a different idea which Boscovich had regarding his finalized system of natural philosophy. awaken
by Alexander Unzicker (2020-02-16 11:22:16)
Alexander Unzicker is a theoretical physicist and writes about elementary questions of natural philosophy. His critique of contemporary physics Bankrupting Physics (Macmillan) received the ‘Science Book of the Year’ award (German edition 2010). With The Mathematical Reality, Unzicker presents his most fundamental work to date, which is the result of years of study of natural laws and their historical development.The discovery of fundamental laws of nature has influenced the fate of Homo sapiens more than anything else. Has modern physics already understood these laws? awaken
by David de Hilster (2020-02-14 16:22:12)
At first glance, the flat earth movement seems to undermine everything rational in science. Mainstream media and even dissident scientists like to point out how the flat earth movement is proof that the internet can spread scientific heresy to a gullible population. But there is a larger more nefarious agenda behind mainstream science’s attack on the flat earth movement and that attack is far far more dangerous than the “flat earth society” itself. awaken
by Nick Percival (2020-02-08 17:36:01)
Smoot’s mission was to see if there were “wrinkles” in the CBR representing the earliest signals of the Big Bang – from about 300,000 years after the bang. Smoot & team also had to make a detailed map of radiation from our galaxy and indeed from the whole sky so that they could remove “noise” radiation from their data. awaken
by Glenn Borchardt (2020-01-21 21:07:37)
Like everyone else, regressive physicists and cosmogonists do not live on air. In the USA, money for science must go through Congress, the executive branch, or rich donors almost all of whom are extremely or at least moderately religious. The USA government is not going to finance the downfall of religion, which patriotically supports their military endeavors. awaken
by Stephen Hurrell (2019-12-30 12:02:57)
It's time to reflect on the events of 2019. Once again, it's been another busy year for Earth expansion and palaeogravity. awaken
by David de Hilster (2019-11-19 10:48:41)
The biggest problem in science today isn't our theories or models. It isn't our universities or institutions. It isn't our technology or need for the next "bigger" particle collider. It isn't even the mainstream or dissidents. It is something much more insidious. Yet 99.99% of us are guilty of this and no one talks about it. But I'm going to talk about it today and better yet, I will tell you how I broke the habit of doing it myself. awaken
by Eric Reiter (2019-10-13 12:15:58)
A recent experimental paper in Nature tries to show that large molecule-sized particles diffract like waves. Here is why I think not, and how this popularization falls short. I expect this to be difficult material for most of my friends, but I post here for the record. awaken
by Bob de Hilster (2019-10-08 11:23:10)
I am an electrical engineer by trade. I have designed circuit boards all my life and never thought too much about the physics behind them. Now, using my Particle Model to interpret the physical reality of electronic components, I have come to realize that there are no negative numbers in physics. awaken
by Harry Ricker (2019-10-07 15:23:18)
This essay discusses the background for the Wakefield Experiments. This refers to two sets of experiments performed by Tony Wakefield an Australian amateur radio operator, or ham, who performed these experiments for Ivor Catt. The objective of these experiments was to verify the predictions made by Ivor Catt based upon his Theory C. This theory asserts several things. First, that a capacitor is a transmission line, and second, that there is no static charge in a capacitor, but that the stored energy consists of a reciprocating wave of energy that surges back and forth in a continuous cycle. The objective of the Wakefield experiments was to demonstrate this internal motion of electromagnetic waves inside a charged transmission line. awaken
by Harry Ricker (2019-09-19 10:40:22)
This discussion is about the encounter of a genius, Dr Carl Andrew Zapffe, with relativity physics. There are two main points. The first is that Dr Zapffe was not a fool or an ignorant person, he was trained scientist who, when he investigated the arcane details of relativity, discovered that Einstein had made a mistake. Being a conscientious person he felt obligated to bring this to the attention of the scientific community. Our story is about how his views were received. How one famous author of relativity books concluded that he was a “cod“, and how NASA rejected his idea to perform a crucial experiment that would determine once and for all the validity of the foundations of relativity. awaken
by Harry Ricker (2019-09-13 09:31:35)
Historians condense the facts to make complex social movements simple and understandable in hindsight. Our movement to reform establishment science, making it responsible to the needs of people who fund science with their taxes, and not a servant of the established state system, traces its origin to the work of Dr. John E. Chappell Jr., who organized the predecessor of the JCNPS known as the Natural Philosophy Alliance or NPA. awaken
by Harry Ricker (2019-08-28 09:18:27)
The purpose of this article is to publish and comment upon a letter written by Louis Essen and sent to Dr. Carl Zapffe. The letter is interesting because it compresses into a few short lines the essence of Louis Essen’s criticism of Einstein’s theory of relativity. awaken
by Harry Ricker (2019-08-21 10:20:49)
In his book Science and Hypothesis, first published in French in 1902, Poincare gives to the principle of relativity the status of a unifying principle in both mathematics and physics. It is an important theme of the book, which unifies this collection of essays. At the end of the book, Poincare discusses how this principle is rendered safe in Lorentz’s theory of electro-dynamics. It is certain that Einstein drank deeply from the waters of Poincare’s book and fully embraced the ideas contained in Poincare’s Principle Of Relativity. awaken
by Toshiyasu Abe (2019-08-15 09:41:47)
While I was working there, I sometimes had to go down to the basement and peel potatoes alone, in a dark, cold, and wet room. At first, I didn’t like this dungeon-like place, especially when it was icy cold and snowing outside. But I found that because my task was easy, and there was no one around to bother me, I could spend lots of time thinking about physics, while peeling those potatoes. At the time, I was reading a book about Einstein’s Relativity Theory. awaken
by Stephen Hurrell (2019-08-12 05:49:39)
The press love stories about dinosaurs, especially if it includes everyone’s favourite dinosaur Tyrannosaurus rex (T. rex), so it’s no surprise that a new science study in 2017 was well publicised. The study shows a T. rex’s running ability was limited by the strength of its leg bones. It couldn’t run in our gravity. awaken