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The Electrodynamics of Gauss, Neumann, and Hertz

Parry H. Moon
Domina Eberle Spencer
Arjan Sobhraj Mirchandaney
Uma Y. Shama
Philip J. Mann
Year: 1994
Keywords: Electrodynamics, Gauss, Neumann, Hertz

This paper is based on the fundamental criteria for the electrodynamic equation suggested by Gauss. It considers the definitions of the electric field proposed by Neumann and by Hertz. The classical formulation utilizing Neumann's definition and Einstein's postulate on the velocity of light does not satisfy the criteria suggested by Gauss. A new electrodynamic equation is proposed, utilizing the Hertzian definition of the electric field and the universal time postulate on the velocity of light, which does satisfy the Gaussian criteria.