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David V. Connell
local time: 2024-04-24 20:11 (-06:00 DST)
David V. Connell (Websites)

The Home of Natural Relativity and Natural Gravity

David V. Connell[Updated 1 decade ago]

        The path that physicists, but for Einstein and Lorentz, would have followed many decades ago.
    I came not from too many years at a learned academy; my mind was not burdoned with excessive exposures to Einstein's Relativity theories, which violated common sense. Instead, 12 years into my retirement I went to the simple, fundamental laws of physics and found that mathematical and physics sense agreed with common sense, destroying Einstein's fiction. Most physicists should now be echoing John F Kennedy's words "How could I have been so mistaken as to have trusted the experts", their dogma has replaced logic.

  Papers inside
Moving Frames of Reference
Speeds of light clarifed.
SR's Problems - Some Common Misconceptions, and Many Invalidations of SR.
Physicists' 100 year Errors.
Nature's Magic for basic stuff.
The Natural Source of Gravity.
Mass, Matter, and Real Gravity.
NR discussion - Discussion and Summary.
Curvilinear Motion Evidence. (16JAN09).
Red Shift is Due to the Doppler Effect . . . . Isn't It ?
The Necessity of Solving the Clocks Contradiction of SR.
The Faked Derivation of Einstein's Mass-Velocity Equation.