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John P. Wsol
local time: 2024-04-19 15:10 (-07:00 DST)
John P. Wsol


Found: 4

2015-02-14 09:20:55
The ultimate goal in life is for each individual to discover their unique contribution to humanity. Hint: the love of that unselfish purpose is hidden in each individual's heart. I challenge you to look deep within to discover yours.
2015-02-14 09:20:50
We need to question and re-evaluate all that we have been lead to believe. Strict adherence to the supposed merits of the hypothetical "Science" of the "Establishment" will inhibit the discovery of "True Scientific Theory".
2015-02-14 09:20:38
The ability to precisely define our words, thus making clear distinctions within our minds is the gateway to true knowledge and a prerequisite for true understanding.
2015-02-14 09:20:43
The most important distinctions I know of are: * The distinction between what "appears" to our senses and instrumentation vs. what is actual happening in physical reality, * The distinction between constructs of the mind vs. the true nature of physical existence. * The distinction that HIGHER Dimensional Perspective is the Key to Understanding. * The distinction between left-brain perspective of language and mathematics vs. the right-brain's geometric perspective of the realities those notations INTEND to describe.