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Fritz Albert Popp
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Fritz Albert Popp (About)
World Science Database Profile

Fritz Popp was born in 1938 in Frankfurt. His first diploma was in Experimental Physics (1966, University W?rzburg), followed by the R?ntgen-Prize of the University W?rzburg, PH.D. in Theoretical Physics (1969, University Mainz). Habilitation in Biophysics and Medicine (1973, University Marburg). Prof. Popp rediscovered and made the first extensive physical analysis of "Biophotons". He was awarded Professorship (H2) by the Senate of Marburg University, and lectured at Marburg University from 1973 to 1980. He was Head of a research group in the Pharmaceutical Industry in Worms from 1981 to 1983 and Head of a research group at the Institute of Cell Biology (University Kaiserslautern) from 1983 to 1986 and of another research group at the Technology Center in Kaiserslautern, while, at the same time founding the company "Biophotonics".

Prof. Popp has been the Supervisor of about 30 diploma works and dissertations in Physics, Biology and Medicine, has had several awards for Research Fellowship and Visiting Professor or Honorary Professor at Universities in Germany, China, USA and India. Titles continue: Invited Member of the New York Academy of Sciences, Founding Member of the International Consciousness Research Laboratoy (ICRL) at the Princeton University, President of the Worms Academy of Reformative Medicine (Germany), Honorary President of the Center of Documentation of Natural Healing (ZDN), Germany and Invited Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS). Fritz Albert Popp has about 150 publications on questions of theoretical physics and biology, complementary medicine and biophotons.

International projects led to cooperation with scientists such as Walter Nagl, Herbert Frohlich, Alexander Davydov, Ilya Prigogine and David Bohm. He became an Invited Member of the New York Academy of Sciences and an Invited Foreign Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences (RANS). For a time, he worked at Princeton University. Popp is the founder of the International Institute of Biophysics in Neuss (1996), Germany, an international network of 19 research groups from 13 countries involved in biophoton research and coherence systems in biology. - Wikipedia


  • F.A.Popp: Cancer Growth and Its Inhibition in Terms of Coherence. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, Vol.28(1)pp. 53?60,2009
  • Brizhik LS, Del Giudice E, Popp FA, Maric-Oehler W, Schlebusch KP. On the dynamics of self-organization in living organisms. Electromagnetic
    Biology and Medicine, Vol.28(1): 28?40, 2009
  • F.A.Popp, Walburg Maric-Oehler, Klaus-Peter Schlebusch, Wolfgang Klimek: Evidence of Light Piping (Meridian-Like Channels) in the Human
    Body and Nonlocal EMF Effects. Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, Vol.24(3): 359-374, 2005
  • About the Coherence of Biophotons (1999).
  • F.A.Popp and K.H.Li: Hyberbolic Relaxation as a Sufficient Condition of a Fully Coherent Ergodic Field, International Journal of Theoretical
    Physics 32 (1993), 1573-1583.
  • F.A.Popp and Y.Yan: Delayed luminescence of biological systems in terms of coherent states, Physics Letters A 293 (2002), 93-97.
  • F.A.Popp, J.J.Chang, A.Herzog, Z.Yan and Y.Yan: Evidence of non-classical (squeezed) light in biological systems. Physics Letters A
    293 (2002), 98-102.
  • Popp, F.A.: Molecular Aspects of Carcinogenesis. In: Deutsch, E., Moser, K., Rainer, H., Stacher, A.(eds.): Molecular Base of Malignancy.
    Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart 1976, pp. 47?55.
  • Popp, F.A.: Biophotonen: Ein neuer Weg zur L?sung des Krebsproblems. Schriftenreihe Krebsgeschehen, Bd. 6. Verlag f?r Medizin Dr. Ewald
    Fischer, Heidelberg 1976. 2. verbesserte und erweiterte Auflage 1984.
  • Popp, F.A.: Vom Wesen des Lebens: Analyse der Strahlung aus biologischen Systemen. Umschau, Vol. 79, Heft 8 (1979), pp. 235?239.
  • Popp, F.A.: Photons and their importance to biology. In: Wolkowski, Z.W. (ed.): Proceedings of the International Symposium on Wave
    Therapeutics - Interaction of non-ionizing electromagnetic radiation with living systems; Versailles, 19.-20. Mai 1979. Universit? de
    Paris-Val de Marne, Cr?teil 1983, pp. 43?59.
  • Popp, F.A.: Experimental investigations on ultraweak photon emission from biological systems. In: Schram, Eric P., Stanley, P.(eds.):
    Proceedings International symposium on analytical applications of bioluminescence and chemilumiscence, Br?ssel 1978, pp. 601?617.
  • Popp, F.A.: Coherent photon storage of biological systems. In: Popp, F.A., Becker, G., K?nig, H.L, Peschka, W. (Hrsg.): Electromagnetic
    Bio-information. Proceedings of the symposium, Marburg, 5. September 1977. Urban & Scharzenberg, M?nchen-Wien-Baltimore 1979.
  • Popp, F.A.: Biologie des Lichts. Verlag Paul Parey, Berlin-Hamburg 1984.
  • Popp, F.A.: Principles of quantum biology as demonstrated by ultraweak photon emission from living cells. In: Proceedings of the
    international conference on lasers '85, 2.-6. Dez.1985, The Society of Optical & Quantum Electronics, Las Vegas, pp. 311?316.
  • Popp, F.A.: On the coherence of ultraweak photon emission from living tissues. In: Kilmister, C.W. (ed.): Disequilibrium and
    self-organisation. D. Reidel, Dordrecht-Boston 1986, pp. 207?230.
  • Popp, F.A.: On the coherence of ultraweak photon emission from living tissues. In: Jezowska-Trzebiatowska, B., et al.(eds.): Photon emission from biological systems. World Scientific Publishers, Singapore 1987, pp. 137?152.
  • Popp, F.A.: Some essential questions of biophoton research, and probable answers. In: Popp, F.A., Li, K.H., Gu, Q.(eds.): Recent
    advances in biophoton research and its applications. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore 1992, pp. 1?46.
  • Popp, F.A.: Evolution as the expansion of coherent states. In: Popp, F.A., Li, K.H., Gu, Q.(eds.): Recent advances in biophoton research and
    its applications. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore 1992, pp. 445?456.
  • Popp, F.A.: Some remarks on biological consequences of a coherent biophoton field. In: Popp, F.A., Li, K.H., Gu, Q.(eds.): Recent advances
    in biophoton research and its applications. World Scientific
    Publishing, Singapore 1992, pp. 357?373.
  • Popp, F.A.: Evolution as expansion of coherent states. In: Rubik, Beverly (ed.): The interrelationship between mind and matter. Center for
    Frontier Sciences at Temple University, Philadelphia 1992.
  • Popp, F.A.: Die Botschaft der Nahrung: Unsere Lebensmittel in neuer Sicht. Fischer alternativ. Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Frankfurt am Main
  • Popp, F.A.: Electromagnetism and living systems. In: Ho, Mae-Wan, Popp, F.A., Warnke, U.(eds.): Bioelectrodynamics and biocommunication.
    World Scientific Publishing, Singapore 1994, pp. 33?80.
  • Popp, F.A., Becker, G., K?nig, H.L., Peschka, W. (Hrsg.): Electromagnetic bio-information. Proceedings of the symposium, Marburg,
    5. September 1977. Urban & Schwarzenberg, M?nchen-Wien-Baltimore 1979. 2. durchges.u.erw. Aufl.1989.
  • Popp, F.A., Ruth, B., Bahr, W., B?hm, J., Grass, P., Grolig, G., Rattemeyer, M., Schmidt, H.G., Wulle, P.: Emission of visible and
    ultraviolet radiation by active biological systems. Collective Phenomena, Vol. 3 (1981), pp. 187?214.
  • Popp, F.A., Nagl, W.: A physical (electromagnetic) model of differentiation. 2) Application and examples. Cytobios, Vol. 37 (1983),
    pp. 71?83.
  • Popp, F.A., Li, K.H., Nagl, W.: A thermodynamic approach to the temperature response of biological systems as demonstrated by low level
    luminescence of cucumber seedlings. Zeitschrift f?r Pflanzenphysiologie, Vol. 114, Heft 1 (1984), pp. 1?13.
  • Popp, F.A., Nagl, W., Li, K.H., Scholz, W., Weing?rtner, O., Wolf, R.: Biophoton emission - New evidence for coherence and DNA as source.
    Cell Biophysics, Vol. 6 (1984), pp. 33?51.
  • Popp, F.A., Nagl, W.: Towards an understanding of stacked base interactions: Non-equilibrium phase transitions as a possible model.
    Polymer Bulletin, Vol. 15 (1986), pp. 89?91.
  • Popp, F.A., Gurwitsch, A.A., Inaba, H., Slawinski, J., Cilento, G., van Wijk, R., Chwirot, W.B., Nagl, W.: Biophoton emission (Multi-author
    review). Experientia, Vol. 44 (1988), pp. 543?600.
  • Popp, F.A., Li, K.H., Mei, W.P., Galle, M., Neurohr, R.: Physical aspects of biophotons. Experientia, Vol. 44 (1988), pp. 576?585.
  • Popp, F.A., Deny, J.: Biophotonen-Information und Chaostheorie. In: Stacher, H. (Hrsg.): Ganzheitsmedizin. Zweiter Wiener Dialog. Facultas
    Universit?tsverlag, Wien 1991, pp. 53?66.
  • Popp, F.A., Li, K.H., Gu, Q. (eds.): Recent advances in biophoton research and its applications. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore
  • Popp, F.A., Li, K.H.: Hyperbolic relaxation as a sufficient condition of a fully coherent ergodic field. International Journal of
    Theoretical Physics, Vol. 32, No. 9 (September 1993), pp. 1573?1583.
  • Popp, F.A., Chang, J.J., Gu, Q., Ho. M.W.: Nonsubstantial biocommunication in terms of Dicke's theory. In: Ho, Mae-Wan, Popp,
    F.A., Warnke, U. (eds.): Bioelectrodynamics and biocommunication. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore 1994, pp. 293?317.
  • Chwirot, W.B., Popp, F.A.: White-light-induced luminescence and mitotic activity of year cells. Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica,
    Vol. 29, No. 4 (1991), pp. 155.
  • Cohen, S., Popp, F.A.: Low-level luminescence of the human skin. Skin Research and Technology, Vol. 3 (1997), pp. 177?180.
  • Cohen, S., Popp, F.A.: Biophoton emission of the human body. Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology, Vol. 40 (1997),
    pp. 187?189.
  • Etienne, J.J., Popp, F.A.: Low-level luminescence of Acetabularia acetabulum as a tool for evaluating innocuity and efficiency of cosmetic
    ingredients. 17th IFSCC International Congress, Yokohama 1992.
  • Galle, M., Neurohr, R., Altmann, G., Popp, F.A., Nagl, W.: Biophoton emission from Daphnia magna: A possible factor in the self-regulation
    of swarming. Experientia, Vol. 47 (1991), pp. 57?460.
  • Gu, Q., Popp, F.A.: Nonlinear response of biophoton emission to external perturbations. Experientia, Vol. 48 (1992), No. 11-12,
    pp. 1069?1082.
  • Gu, Q., Popp F.A.: Physical Aspects of Biophoton Emission (invited paper). Third Arnold-Rikli-Symposium (Biologic Effects of Light), Basel, Switzerland (1993), also Photoimmunology & Photomedicine (USA), Vol. 9 (1993), 177.
  • Gu, Q., Popp F.A.: Biophoton Physics: A Potential Measure of Organisational Order. In: Biologic Effects of Light, Jung E. G. and
    Holick M. F. (eds.), pp. 425?443, Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, New York (1994).
  • Gu, Q., Popp F.A.: Biophoton Emission as a Potential Measure of Organisational Order. Science in China (English Edition), Vol. B37
    (1994), 1099.
  • Ho, M.W., Popp, F.A.: Maxwell's demon, resonance and coherence in living systems. Paper presented at the 3rd Camelford conference on the
    implications of the Gaia thesis: "Symbiosis, cooperativity and coherence", 7.-10. November 1989, The Wadebridge Ecological Center, Camelford, Cornwall, UK.
  • Ho, M.W., Popp, F.A.: The evolution of biological form and organization without natural selection. Proceedings of the AAAS
    symposium on nonrandom evolution: "Matter, life, mind". Washington, DC, 14.-19. February 1991.
  • Ho, M.W., Ross, S., Bolton, H., Popp, F.A., Li, X.X.: Electrodynamic activities and their role in the organization of body pattern. Journal
    of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 6, No. 1 (1992), pp. 59?77.
  • Ho, M.W., Popp, F.A.: Biological organization, coherence, and light emission from living organisms. In: W. Stein, F.J.Varela (eds.):
    Thinking about biology. SFI Studies in the Sciences of Complexity, Lectures Notes, Vol. III, Addison-Wesley, 1992.
  • Ho, M.W., Popp, F.A., Warnke, U. (eds.): Bioelectrodynamics and biocommunication. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore 1994.
  • Li, K.H., Popp, F.A., Nagl, W., Klima, H.: Indications of optical coherence in biological systems and its possible significance. In:
    Fr?hlich, H., Kremer, F. (eds.): Coherent Excitations in Biological Systems (1983), pp. 117?122.
  • Li, K.H., Popp, F.A.: Non-exponential decay law of radiation systems with coherent rescattering. Physics Letters, Vol. 93A (17.January
    1983), No.5, pp. 262?266.
  • Li, K.H., Popp, F.A.: Dynamics of DNA excited states. In: Mishra, R.K. (ed.): Molecular and biological physics of living systems. Kluwer,
    Boston-Dordrecht 1990, pp. 31?52.
  • Li, K.H., Popp, F.A.: Coherence and some quantum paradoxes. In: Popp, F.A., Li, K.H., Gu, Q.(eds.): Recent advances in biophoton
    research and its applications. World Scientific Publishing, Singapore 1992, pp. 421?438.
  • Nagl, W., Popp, F.A.: Opposite long-range interactions between normal and malignant cells. In: Barrett, T.W., Pohl, H.A. (eds.): Energy transfer dynamics. Springer Verlag, Berlin-New-York 1987, pp. 248?256.
  • Rattemeyer, M., Popp, F.A., Nagl, W.: Evidence of photon emission from DNA in living systems. Naturwissenschaften, Vol. 68, Nr. 11 (1981), pp. 572?573.
  • Ruth, B, Popp F.A.: Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur ultraschwachen Photonenemission biologischer Systeme. Zeitschrift f?r Naturforschung,
    Vol 31c (1976) 741-745
  • Slawinski, J., Popp, F.A.: Temperature hysteresis of low-level luminescence from plants and its thermodynamical analysis. Journal of
    Plant Physiology, Vol. 130 (1987), pp. 111?123.
  • van Wijk, R., Tilbury, R.N., Slawinski, J., Ezzahir, A., Godlewski, M., Kwiecinska, T., Rajfur, Z., Sitko, D., Wierzuchowska, D., Kochel,
    B., Qu, Q, Popp, F.A., Lilius, E.-M., Marnila, P., Aken, J.M. van: Multi-author review on biophoton emission, stress and disease. Experientia, Vol. 48 (1992), No. 11-12, pp. 1092?1102.
  • van Wijk, R., van Aken, J.M., Mei, W.P., Popp, F.A.: Light-induced photon emission by mammalian cells. Journal of Photochemistry and
    Photobiology B: Biology, Vol. 18 (1993), pp. 75?79.
  • Zhang, C.-L., Popp. F.A.: Log-normal distribution of physiological parameters and the coherence of biological systems. Medical Hypotheses,
    Vol.43 (1994) pp. 11?16.
  • Zhang, C.-L., Popp. F.A., Bischof, M. (eds.): Current development of Biophysics: the stage from an ugly duckling to a beautiful swan.
    Hangzhou University Press, Hangzhou, 1996.
  • Chang J.J., J. Fisch, Popp, F.A. (eds.): Biophotons. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1998.
  • Popp, F. A.: Biophotons and Their Regulatory Role in Cells. Frontier Perspectives (The Center for Frontier Sciences at Temple University,
    Philadelphia), 7 (1998), 13-22.
  • Popp, F. A. and J. J. Chang: Photon Sucking and the Basis of Biological Organization.
  • Popp, F. A.: A Book Review of L. Beloussov: The Dynamic Architecture of a Developing Organism. An Interdisciplinary Approach to the
    Development of Organism. Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1998. Dordrecht, Boston, London. 238p.
  • J.Pokorny, C.Vedruccio, M.Cifra et al., Cancer physics: diagnostics based on damped cellular elastoelectrical vibrations in
    microtubules, European Biophys Journal Vol.40:pp747?759, 2011
  • Grubnik, B P, Sitko S P, Shalimov A.A,Experience of using Sit'ko-MRT technology for rehabilitation of III-IV stage oncologic patients.
    Physics of the Alive Vol.6: pp. 97?115,1998
  • F P Costa, A C de Oliveira, R Meirelles, M C C Machado, T Zanesco, R Surjan, M C Chammas, M de Souza Rocha, D Morgan, A Cantor, J Zimmerman, I Brezovich, N Kuster, A Barbault, B Pasche, ?Treatment of advanced hepatocellular carcinoma with very low levels of amplitude-modulated
    electromagnetic fields?, British Journal of Cancer (2011) 105, 640?648)