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Prof. Rati Ram Sharma
local time: 2024-04-25 20:42 (+05:30 )
Prof. Rati Ram Sharma (Abstracts)
Titles Abstracts Details
  • A New Light on the Nature of Light (2012) [Updated 7 years ago]

    The Quantum Theory and Special Relativity stand apart because their authors were admittedly unclear about natures of light and light propagating medium. However, a single experiment shows wave-quantum unity for low intensity light and moving electrons. In Unified Theory light is emitted and absorbed as 0-spin sharmon composed energy-quantum hυ and is propagated as one cycle EM pulse one λ long and of duration t = 1/υ with a crest and a trough carrying energy quantum hυ as a Wave-Quantum UNITY as per Poyinting vector in the physical 'sharmon medium' contiguously via 1-spin sharmons, which do not physically move. It appears as Quantum Theory's wave-or-quantum DUALITY for observing only one of the two not both characters at a time. Sharmon medium is all-composing, all-pervading and irremovable, ruling out absolute vacuum. It has 1015 sharmons/cm3; its inter-sharmon distance 10−5 cm compares with mean free path of real gases. Sharmon comprises a positive positrino and a negative negatrino, the two non-composite, indivisible elements of dia. 1.6x10−33cm, electric charge 1.3729x10−30 esu, mass 2.596116x10−48 gm, spin = 1/2. These two compose all forms of mass, energy, energy quanta like photon and particles like quarks, leptons and hadrons in the Cosmos hence named ?cosmino‟. Particles can move faster than light. Copenhagen interpretation of Quantum Theory is reviewed. Uncertainty Principle is replaced by the new Principle of Null Action based on the conservation of mass-energy, momentum and action. Lorentz transforms do not describe any natural motion. 'Contraction of space' and 'dilatation of time' are unrealistic demands on Nature to fit mathematics of Special Relativity. Constancy and invariance of light velocity c are explained, as also the observed variability, superluminality and subluminality which invalidate Relativity theories. Spacetime continua, Higgs boson and conventional ?photon‟ are nonexistent. One cycle EM pulse explains photoelectric effect and bending of light under gravity. Michelson-Morley got zero fringe-shift as light velocity in the sharmon medium entrained with earth is the same for both perpendicular interfering beams. Maxwell equations are derived from Sharmon Medium. Non-Doppler cosmological redshift supports non-expanding universe, contesting conclusions of 2011-Physics Nobel laureates.

  • Unified Theory's Wave-Quantum Unity of Light (2011) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Rati Ram Sharma   read the paper:

    Quantum Theory and Special Relativity stand apart because their authors were unclear about Wave-quantum Unity of light. In our Unified Theory light is propagated as a wave-quantum UNITY along transverse electromagnetic wave as per Poynting vector in the 'sharmon medium' contiguously via 1-spin sharmons, which do not physically move. It appears as Quantum Theory's wave-or-quantum DUALITY for not observing both characters simultaneously. Sharmon comprises a positive positrino and negative negatrino, the two all-composing indivisible elements of diameter 1.6x10-33cm, electric charge 1.3729x10-30 esu, mass 2.596116x10-48 gm, spin = 1/2. Copenhagen interpretation of Quantum Theory is reviewed and Uncertainty Principle replaced by new Principle of Null Action. A single experiment shows wave-quantum unity for low intensity light and moving electrons. Since spin of light-emitter does not fall and of absorber does not rise by one, NOT the 1-spin photon but 0-spin sharmon composed energy-quantum is emitted, absorbed and propagated. 'Contraction of space' and 'dilatation of time' are unrealistic. Constancy and invariance of light velocity c are explained, as also the observed variability, superluminality and subluminality which invalidate Relativity theories. Energized 1-spin sharmon replaces conventional photon and explains photoelectric effect and bending of light under gravity. Non-Doppler cosmological redshift supports non-expanding universe.

  • Unified Theory Composition-Structure of Electron, Proton & Neutron (2010) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Rati Ram Sharma   read the paper:

    An element is non-composite but composes other particles. None of the over 200 elementary particles of Modern Standard Model however satisfies this definition. The elementary quarks & leptons of MSM are found to be compressible and assembleable, hence have composition and are non-element. These in Unified Theory are composed by new elements: positrino & negatrino, named cosminos of diameter 1.6156x10-33 cm, mass 2.596x10-48 gm, electric charge ? 1.3729x10-30 esu and spin ? ?. Mutual repulsion among cosminos of same electric charge, however, makes quarks fragile and non-existent as intact units. So color charge is not a basic cosmino charge. Weak too is not a basic cosmino charge as it does not conserve. The two cosminos constitute the new particle ?sharmon' which composes the light propagating ?sharmon medium' as the all-composing and all-pervading ?basic substance'. The cosmino-sharmon composition-structures of electron, proton and neutron presented for the first time are defined by concentric regions in Fig-1 and Form Factors describing spatial distribution of charge, mass, sharmons, diads and diad-sharmon units etc. It is shown that no ?-spin Fermion like neutron can be neutral. The Electric Dipole Moment of neutron 5.83x10-45 esu.cm = 1.2x10-35 e.cm calculated from Unified Theory agrees with observations. An almost neutral neutron emits electron, never positron, because its outer region is negative. Hofstadter's positive outer region in neutron is inconsistent with negatron decay. Effect of superimposed magnetic field on neutron's negatron decay is explained without Electroweak Theory's weak charge and W? & Zo particles. A new Hook's law mediated short-range nuclear force is suggested, which obviates the need for inter-quark strong nuclear force mediated via ?-mesons.

  • Theory of Non-expanding Universe (2010) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Rati Ram Sharma   read the paper:

    In a universe expanding as per the Big Bang or Steady State theory the cosmic redshifts should increase exponentially with time, which is not actually observed. So the universe is NOT expanding. In Unified Theory's non-expanding universe the total energy-mass content is eternally conserved with NO ?initial creation of matter from nothing' in a single big explosive event of the Big Bang theory or continuously as in the Steady State theory. The cosmic redshift is caused not by Doppler effects of receding velocities of stellar light sources but by depletion of photon energy during long passage through the sharmon medium due to non-Doppler effects of gravitational, electromagnetic & viscous losses. Cosmic microwave background follows naturally and plausible explanation given to the observation on Ia type supernovae, which has amazed & horrified the astronomers. Halton Arp's observations of high-redshift quasars in the vicinity of low-redshift parent star systems, negative redshift, and the ejection of two huge mass bodies in opposite directions are also explained. But his ?quantization of redshifts' is not a natural phenomenon. There is no antigravity force permeating space and no likelihood for the universe to become empty ever in future. Age of the non-expanding universe is about 45 billion years. Dark energy and dark matter are related to the Sharmon medium. Realistic theory of Non-expanding universe replaces Big Bang & Steady State theories of expanding universe.

  • Oxygen Lone Pair Electrons behind Amazing Properties of Water-electrolysis Gas-mixture (2010) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Rati Ram Sharma   read the paper:

    The entire mixture of gasses evolving from water electrolysis' referred to by some as Brown's gas has a 'cool' flame about 130??C (266?? F) yet is able to melt steel, brick and many other metals; it heats but does not boil water and it burns in vacuum. These unusual characteristics seem to defy current Chemistry but can be understood by involving the lone pair electrons of oxygen. The SP3 hybridization creates four equivalent electron orbitals for oxygen atom, two bond-pair and two lone-pair. The energy levels of the bond-pair electron are widely and unevenly spaced, the difference between adjacent energy levels decreasing at higher levels. The lone-pair electrons, in contrast, have narrow and equi-spaced energy levels. A bond-pair electron when excited to higher energy returns to the ground state immediately within a pico to micro second. The lone-pair electron however stays in its higher energy state for long. During water-electrolysis the negatively charged electrons flow from the cathode to the anode inside the electrolyte and from anode to cathode externally. The cation H+ is reduced or neutralized at the cathode to liberate mono-atomic (H) and diatomic (H2) hydrogen gas. The anion OH- is oxidized at the anode to produce mono-atomic (O) and diatomic (O2) oxygen gas and water (H2O) vapor plus electrons (e-), which are transported externally to the cathode. The electrical energy of electrolysis promotes the lone-pair electrons of oxygen atoms to higher energy levels in the oxygen gas (O, O2) and in water (H2O) vapor. Since the energy difference ??E between adjacent levels is small the life time ??t, related by the equation ??E . ??t ?? h/2??, is long to keep them stay promoted for a long time even after electrolysis. This increases the heat of combustion of the water-electrolysis gas-mixture, which though 'cool' at about 130??C (266?? F) can melt metals. When the electrolysis gas torch is directed to liquid water, gas's water vapor component quietly dissolves unburnt without producing enough heat to boil the liquid water. But water does boil if the gas torch heats the container from outside. It burns in vacuum because no oxygen is needed from outside. No other theory, past or current, is so natural and explanatory.

  • Unified Theory (Lulu.com) Preview (2010) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Rati Ram Sharma   read the paper:

    THE UNIFIED THEORY: A complete paradigm shift in Physics & Cosmology

    This book on Unified Theory is an update on the 1990 book-?Unified Physical Theory' and 2002 book-Realistic Foundations of Physics & Cosmology. In a paradigm shift Unified Theory (UT) presents the grandest ever ?unified' replacement for the Relativity, Quantum, Quark-lepton, Higgs, Electroweak, Supersymmetry, String & Big Bang theories. Light-wave propagates in the new Sharmon medium (SM) as a kinetic gas, composed by sharmon, as the basic substance composing all forms of energy E & mass m for their inter-conversions via E= mc2. The existence of Sharmon Medium is supported by the experiments of Young, Fresenel, Sagnac & Dayton Miller. Sharmon comprises elementary +ve positrino and -ve negatrino called cosminos. UT has two elements (positrino, negatrino), two charges (mass, electric) and two forces (gravitational, electromagnetic). The quark-lepton theory with Supersymmetry has over 200 elementary particles none of which satisfies the definition of ?element' that composes other particles but is itself non-composite. Cosmino mass is innate. Massless and mass generating particles (Higgs) do not exist. It is predicted that the Geneva based Large Hadron Collider will not find the Higgs boson. UT rejects weak & color charges; weak & strong forces and also strings.

    Space & time are abstract concepts evolving from our life-long perceptions of successive motions & changes in surroundings. These two abstracts cannot fuse into any concrete spacetime continuum. UT discards 4-D and higher dimensional spacetime continua as mere mathematical constructs bereft of any physical existence. Theories based on them are unrealistic.

    UT explains General Relativity's bending of light due to gravity and constancy & invariance to source-observer motion of light velocity c, the two postulates of Special Relativity, as also observed variability of c and superluminality, which invalidate relativity theories. UT explains wave-quantum unity for light which splits into QT's wave-or-quantum dualities due to experimental limitations to observe only one of the wave & quantum characters at a time not both simultaneously. UT opposes relativity's contraction of objective length or dilation of objective time due to observer motion, massless photon & neutrino and sizeless basic particles. It rejects QT's Uncertainty Principle and proposes the new Principle of Null Action with universal applications. No fermion, neutron or neutrino, is electrically neutral.

    In a universe expanding as per Big Bang or Steady State theory redshifts should increase exponentially with time which is not actually observed. In UT's Non-expanding Universe redshift is caused by non-Doppler depletion of photonic energy due to viscous, gravitational & EM losses; cosmological observations, even on Ia type Supernovae that amazed astronomers, are explained.

    This present book will serve as a source to revise the textbooks at the University, College & School levels and will interest the teachers, research scholars and students of Physics, Astrophysics, Cosmology &c. The book is worth translation into all major languages of the world.

  • Unified Theory and Relativity Imbroglio (2010) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Rati Ram Sharma   read the paper:

    A wave exists in and is composed by its propagating medium. Einstein erred by replacing the physical
    medium for light-wave with 4-D spacetime continuum. Abstract concepts of space and time evolve from our
    perceptions of successive ?there, here, there? and ?then, now, then? arising from the successive motions and
    changes in the surroundings. These two abstract concepts cannot fuse into any tangible concrete ?spacetime ?
    continuum. All mufti-dimensional spacetime continua are mathematical constructs bereft of physical existence.
    In our Unified Theory, light-medium is the all-composing and all-pervading ?sharmon medium? composed by
    the new particle ?sharmon?. ?Origin? of light wave is the first 0-spin sharmon in the sharmon-medium, which
    receives energy quantum from the source and rises to its 1-spin state. Similarly, ?terminus? of light wave is the
    last 1-spin sharmon which transfers energy quantum to the target and itself returns to 0-spin state. From origin
    to terminus the 0-spin sharmon composed energy quantum moves as a wave-quantum unity via 1-spin sharmons
    which do not physically move. Creative beginning at the origin and vanishing end at the terminus makes
    velocity of light-wave invariant to the motions of source and target. Actually observed light velocity is not only
    constant and invariant to the velocities of the source and/or the target relative to the sharmon medium
    but also locally variable, nay superluminal or subluminal, which invalidate Relativity but are explained
    by Unified Theory. The light velocity c becomes c  v for the observer moving at a velocity v relative to the
    sharmon medium, ruling out constancy of light velocity c over the inertial frames. Since the velocity of a body
    cannot vary (like v) with and be invariant (like c) to, the source-target velocity at the same time, the Lorentz
    transforms do not describe any real motion in nature. Thence deduced ?contraction of space? and ?dilatation of
    time? are unrealistic demands on nature to change to fit their mathematics. Bending of light in a gravitational
    field follows in Unified Theory with photon having mass without curving the 4-D spacetime.

  • Unified Theory's Gravitation as Interaction via Sharmon Medium (2009) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Rati Ram Sharma   read the paper:

    Newton published the law of universal gravitation Fg = G (m1m2)/r2 in 1687 after observing the fall of the legendary apple in 1665 but did not give its physical mechanism. De Duillier in 1690 , Le Sage in 1748 and Paul Schroeder in 2010 have proposed mechanical explanations but the nature and origin of their gravity-mediators remain unclear. Einstein's General Relativity in 1916 linked the gravitational field with the curvature of, and gravity waves with the ripples in, the mathematical 4-dimensional spacetime continuum bereft of physical existence. In Unified Theory mass bodies are composed by electrons, protons & neutrons each having 1020-23 cosmino-sharmon constituents thereby allowing for compositional fluctuations via emission and absorption of small cosmino-sharmon units. The 1.6x10-33 cm diameter sharmons of the sharmon medium pass through inter-atomic spaces and between orbital electrons to enter a mass-body for intimate interactive exchange of 0-spin sharmon composed mass-energy units dE to generate attractive force dE/dx between gregarious sharmons of test mass-body and ambient sharmon medium and through it with all other mass-bodies. Action-at-a-distance is thus ruled out.The gravitational mass of the elementary cosminos (positrino & negatrino) composing the mass bodies and sharmons of the sharmon medium thus serve as both the cause and mediator of the gravitostatic force and field operating in the sharmon medium. The gravitational wave energy comprising 0-spin sharmons is emitted, absorbed and propagated as a Wave-Quantum UNIT in the sharmon medium via contiguous mechanism through 2-spin gravitons, which do not move from their mean positions. Since 0-spin sharmons compose all forms of neutral mass and energy the identity of gravitational and inertial masses follows naturally. General-relativity's equation for bending of light under gravity is re-deduced from sharmon medium without bending of the spacetime.

  • A Reappraisal of the Einstein Model (2009) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Rati Ram Sharma   read the paper:

    A wave exists only in its propagating medium but Einstein erred to discard the medium for ?light-wave' and introduce 4-D spacetime continuum. It denied him the chance to address wave-quantum Unity of light and to predict the existence of ?basic substance' to compose all forms of E & m so compellingly demanded by E=mc2, otherwise E & m could not interconvert. Unified Theory gives convincing arguments and experimental support for the existence of a real physical medium in space viz. 'sharmon medium' as the all-composing and all-pervading ?basic substance', which propagates light as a Wave-Quantum UNITY. The non-substantive abstract concepts of space & time arise from the perceptions of successive motions & changes in the surrounding objects and cannot fuse into any concrete spacetime continuum. All spacetime continua of 4 to 32 dimensions are non-existent mathematical constructs and theories based on them are unrealistic. Unified Theory explains Michelson-Morley & Sagnac experiments and constancy and invariance to source-observer motion of c, the two axiomatic postulates of Special Relativity, as also the observed variability of light velocity c and superluminality which invalidate Relativity.  Lorentz formulae do not describe any natural velocity which varies (like v) with and is invariant (like c) to source-observer motion at the same time. And a real event, viewed by say, 100 differently moving observers cannot undergo 100 different objective alterations at the same time. This makes ?contraction of length' and 'dilation of time' unrealistic. Unified Theory explains Photoelectric Effect and Bending of Light in a Gravitational field. As against Relativity, no particle or energy quantum is massless or sizeless point.

  • Nature of the Basic Substance & Elements (2009) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Rati Ram Sharma   read the paper:

    An element composes other particles but it itself is non-composite. The basic substance composes all and it itself is composed by the basic element(s). The Modern Standard Model with Supersymmetry has over 200 basic particles but none of them satisfies the definition of ?element'. Equation E=mc2 compellingly needs a ?basic substance' composing all forms of E & m, otherwise E & m could not interconvert. Real Sharmon Medium propagating light as wave-quantum UNITY is the all-composing and all-pervading ?basic substance' composed by the new particle 'sharmon', which comprises a positive positrino a negative negatrino,the two basic elements named cosminos They compose all forms of energy & mass, material particles and energy-quanta in the Cosmos. Their electric charge is ? 1.37x 10-30 esu; mass 2.596x10-48 gm & spin ?. Sharmon's mass is 5.192x10-48 gm, spin 0 & 1. The ~10-33 cm Sharmon can pass thru inter-atomic spaces and between orbital electrons. As a kinetic gas, the sharmon medium is irremovable by any means. Its number density is ~1015 sharmons per cm3, mass density 0.519x10-33 gm.cm-3. Its inter-sharmon distance of ~ 10-5 cm compares with Mean Free Path for real gasses e.g. 1.12x 10-5 cm for Hydrogen. An element is singly charged since multiple charges imply that many constituents. Cosmino's single unified charge manifests as mass & electric charge via the mediation of gravitational and electromagnetic fields/forces, which also unify into a single gravitoelectromagnetic field/force. No particle is massless or sizeless point; neutrinos have mass, size & electric charge. Cosmino compositions of quarks, leptons, neutrinos and photon are worked out.

  • Unified Theory: Alternative to Mainstream Physics, Cosmology & More (2009) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Rati Ram Sharma   read the paper:

    The prime Basic Substance composes all and is universally one. Unified Theory (UT) as the complete paradigm weaves the grandest ever unification of realistic concepts arising from the all-composing & all-pervading light propagating ?Sharmon Medium' as the Basic Substance, composed by new particle ?Sharmon', which comprises a positive positrino& a negative negatrino, the two non-composite elements named cosminofor composing all forms of mass, energy, material particles and energy quanta in the Cosmos.

    Relativity and Quantum Theory stand apart because the authors of both were admittingly unclear about the intrinsic wave-quantum UNITY of light. The electromagnetic wave energy quantum, after emission from the source is initially received by a sharmon in the medium, marking the effective ?origin' of the wave. And the last 1-spin sharmon of the medium, which finally transfers the wave energy quantum to the target and returns to the 0-spin state, marks the ?terminus' of the wave. From origin to the terminus, the 0-spin sharmon-packet energy quantum per unit frequency cycle is propagated, as a wave-quantum UNITY, along a transverse electromagnetic wave in the sharmon medium contiguously via 1-spin sharmons, which do not physically move. Since the spin of an emitter or an absorber does not change what is emitted or absorbed is NOT the 1-spin photon as a whole but only its energy comprising 0-spin sharmons. The 1-spin photon as such is not emitted, propagated or absorbed. Energized 1-spin sharmon replaces photon.

    Due to creative origin in the medium the light velocity c is independent of the source motion and destructive termination makes c independent of the observer motion. The constancy and invariance to source-observer motion of c [= (eo.mo)-1/2] also follow from the fact that the eo & mo of the sharmon medium are constant and not affected by the motion of the source or observer. This also explains the Sagnac effect.

    Lorentz arrived at his formulae to explain Michelson-Morley experiments' null results and also to save the ether. Einstein discarded the ether but derived the same formulae. Unified theory explains the MMX null results from the light-propagating sharmon medium and rejects Lorentz formulae as not describing any real natural motion, thereby un-necessitating the works of both Lorentz and Einstein.

    Heisenberg invented mathematical Quantum Theory (QT) to circumvent visualization and language-inadequacy for Wave-Quantum Unity of light but used it to validate violations of the inviolable conservations of mass-energy & momentum under the Uncertainty Principle. The UT rejects the Uncertainty Principle as unrealistic and proposes the new Principle of Null Action with universal applications. Quantum Theory's Copenhagen interpretation is reappraised.

    The atoms & molecules never make mistake in their chemical & physical properties and in recognizing, or in being recognized by, others due to their ?intelligence'. The positive molecular recognition is mediated via exchange of the ?sharmon-composed' energy quantum uniquely characteristic of the ?chemical specificity' of the recognizer-recognizee pair. Thus, sharmon emerges as the quantum of intelligence/consciousness.

    During the homoeopathic dynamic potentization the chemical specificity of the solute drug molecule is induced in the diluent molecules via resonant promotion of the lone-pair electrons of the Oxygen atom in the ?OH groups to make the diluent medium as the therapeutic agent for drug action. This creates plenty of medicinally active diluent molecules, in the high potencies (dilutions) having no molecule of the original drug in the patient dose, to remove the perennial conceptual impasse created by Avogadro's law and the Law of Mass Action. Results of controlled drug trials on rats, mice and human patients are presented to support these conclusions. Mechanism of homoeodrug action on the Law  of Similars is explained. World Health Organization's definition & scope of achievable health are improved. Since the modes & planes of action are complementary Homoeopathy, Allopathy & Yoga are judiciously combined under ?Navayurveda' that has cured cases, which for Scientific Medicine are: a) incurable/fatal, b) difficult-to-cure even with long medication, c) require surgery, d) viral.

    Hithertofore Science & Philosophy have remained mutually exclusive domains of knowledge. Unified Theory presents a Science-Philosophy Symbiosis from sharmon medium as the prime basic substance to unify the living and the non-living as also the mind and matter. Entire basic substance of the Cosmos is eternally conserved as the ever existing Megovum, which as also the ?intelligently conscious' Megamind manages the entire Cosmos.

  • Nature of the Non-Expanding Universe (2009) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Rati Ram Sharma   read the paper:

    In a universe expanding as per the Big Bang or Steady State theory the cosmic redshifts should increase exponentially with time, which is not actually observed. So the universe is NOT expanding. In the non-expanding universe the total energy-mass content is eternally conserved with NO ?initial creation of matter from nothing' in a single big explosive event of the Big Bang theory or continuously as in the Steady State theory. The cosmic redshift is caused, not by Doppler effects of receding velocities of stellar light sources but, by depletion of photon energy during long passage through the sharmon medium due to non-Doppler effects of gravitational, electromagnetic & viscous losses. Cosmic microwave background follows naturally and plausible explanation given to the observation on Ia type supernovae, which has amazed & horrified the astronomers. Halton Arp's observation of high-redshift quasars in the vicinity of low-redshift parent star systems is also explained. There is no antigravity force permeating space and no likelihood for the universe to become empty ever in future. Age of the non-expanding universe is about 45 billion years. Dark energy and dark matter are related to the Sharmon medium.

  • The Nature of Gravitation (2009) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Rati Ram Sharma   read the paper:

    Newton discovered the law of universal gravitation in 1665 after observing the fall of the legendary apple. Einstein's General Relativity in 1916 linked the gravitational field with the curvature of, and gravity waves with the ripples in, the 4-dimensional spacetime continuum. In Unified Theory gravitation is an interactive attraction of the test mass-body with the ambient sharmon medium and through it with all other mass-bodies, the gravitational mass of the elementary cosminos (positrino & negatrino) composing the mass bodies as well as the sharmons of the sharmon medium thus serve as both the cause and mediator of the gravitostatic force and field operating within and through the sharmon medium. Every mass body is composed by electrons, protons & neutrons each having 1020-23 cosmino-sharmon constituents thereby allowing for inherent compositional fluctuations via emission and absorption of small cosmino-sharmon units. The 1.6x10-33 cm diameter sharmons of the sharmon medium pass through inter-atomic spaces and between orbital electrons to enter a mass-body for intimate gravitational interaction between the cosminos composing the mass-body and the surrounding sharmon medium and through it with all other mass-bodies. Action-at-a-distance is thus ruled out. The gravitational wave energy comprising 0-spin sharmons is propagated as a Wave-Quantum UNIT of one cycle and one wavelength length in the sharmon medium via contiguous mechanism through 2-spin gravitons, which do not move from their mean positions but provide a physical carrier. Since 0-spin sharmons compose all forms of neutral mass and energy the identity of gravitational and inertial masses follows naturally. General-relativity's equation for bending of light in a gravitational field is re-deduced from sharmon medium.

  • Light Medium as the Basic Substance (2009) [Updated 7 years ago]
    by Rati Ram Sharma   read the paper:

    An element composes other particles but it itself is non-composite. The basic substance composes all and it itself is composed by the basic element(s). The Modern Standard Model with Supersymmetry has over 200 basic particles but none of them satisfies the definition of ?element'. Equation E=mc2 compellingly needs a ?basic substance' composing all forms of  E & m, otherwise E & m could not interconvert. Real Sharmon Medium propagating light as wave-quantum UNITY is the all-composing and all-pervading ?basic substance' composed by the new particle ?sharmon', which comprises a positive positrino & a negative negatrino, the two basic elements named cosminos. They compose all forms of energy & mass, material particles and energy-quanta in the Cosmos. Their electric charge is ? 1.37x 10-30 esu; mass 2.596x10-48 gm & spin ?.  Sharmon's mass is 5.192x10-48 gm, spin 0 & 1. The ~10-33 cm Sharmon can pass thru inter-atomic spaces and between orbital electrons. As a kinetic gas, the sharmon medium is irremovable by any means. Its number density is ~1015 sharmons per cm3, mass density 0.519x10-33 gm.cm-3. Its inter-sharmon distance of ~ 10-5 cm compares with Mean Free Path for real gasses e.g. 1.12x 10-5 cm for Hydrogen.  An element is singly charged since multiple charges imply that many constituents. Cosmino's single unified charge manifests as mass & electric charge via the mediation of gravitational and electromagnetic fields/forces, which also unify into a single gravitoelectromagnetic field/force. No particle is massless or sizeless point; neutrinos have mass, size & electric charge. Cosmino compositions of quarks, leptons, neutrinos and photon are worked out.

  • Efficacy of Homoeomedicines Established with Cure of the Incurable Diseases (2009) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Rati Ram Sharma   read the paper:

    Double Blind Drug Trials are inapplicable to Homoeopathy. Efficacy of the high potency homoeopathic medicines with no molecule of the original drug in the patient dose is established with controlled drug trials on rats, mice and by treating human patients who served as their own controls. These cases for the Modern Scientific Medicine (Allopathy) were: a) fatal/incurable, b) difficult-to-cure even with long medicinal treatment, c) required surgery, d) viral. This supports and corroborates the overwhelming clinical evidence collected by innumerable homoeopaths all over the world during the past over two centuries. It also removes the conceptual impasse created by the Avogadro's law and the Law of Mass Action. Homoeopathy is a complete medicinal therapeutics. It offers hope and efficacious cure of diseases like Allergies (food, air born, skin, eczema, asthma), Tonsillitis, Nasal Polyps, Liver cirrhosis, Hepatitis with Jaundice, Progressive Systemic Sclerosis, Sarcoidosis, Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP), Vertigo, Migraine, Kidney dysfunction, Pyrexia Of Unknown Origin, Menstrual disorders (scanty, profuse, painful), Repeated abortions, Leucorrhea, Slow healing fracture, Arthritis, Aches & pains, etc.

  • Unified Theory Abstracts (2009) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Rati Ram Sharma   read the paper:

    The Unified Theory (UT) (Upgraded & enlarged UNIFIED PHYSICAL THEORY, UPT) for the first time presents a single ?unified' alternative to the current theories of Relativity, Quantum, Quarks, Higgs, String, Supersymmetry, Electroweak theories, and goes beyond. The 'light-wave' exists in its propagating medium, the new real 'sharmon medium' (SM), as the 'basic substance', composed by the new particle 'sharmon' named after this author (Sharma). Sharmon is made of two basic elements, positive positrino and negative negatrino called 'cosminos' as they also compose all forms of mass (m), energy (E) and radiation in the Cosmos for their interconversions via. eqn. E= mc2. UT has only two elements (positrino, negatrino), two basic charges (mass, electric) and two fundamental forces (gravitational, electromagnetic).

    The space and time are mere abstract concepts evolving from our perceptions of successive motions & changes in the surroundings. Two abstracts cannot fuse into any concrete spacetime continuum that if existent would retard & prevent motions of heavenly bodies and even photon to propagate light through it, which is not actually observed. Therefore UT discards all multi-dimensional spacetime continua. The quarks theory with Supersymmetry has over 200 elementary particles none of which satisfies the definition of ?element' that composes others but is itself non-composite. In UT mass of a particle is its innate property. So it rejects massless and mass generating Higgs particles as flawed concepts. UT also rejects weak & colour charges; weak & strong forces and strings. Sharmon Medium explains bending of light due to gravity and results of Gravity Probes A & B. Constancy and invariance to source-observer motion of light velocity c (assumed but not explained by Special Relativity) as also observed variability of c (which invalidates Relativity) are explained. UT explains wave-quantum unity for radiation and matter, which Quantum Theory (QT) unrealistically splits into wave-or-quantum dualities. UT gives dynamic cosmino-sharmon compositions, free from the g and ? anomalies, of electron, proton & neutron. UT opposes QT's Uncertainty Principle, relativity's contraction of objective length due to observer motion, massless photon & neutrino. No Fermion is neutral.

    Since redshifts do not increase exponentially with time, universe is NOT expanding. UT's Non-expanding Universe explains all observation, even on Ia type Supernovae. UT proposes new Principle of Null Action, molecular intelligence & molecular Homoeopathy, Science-Philosophy Symbiosis, new Intraspecies Evolution, showing descendance of man not from ape but man, &c.

  • Aanand Yoga: The Immanant Yoga for All (2009) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Rati Ram Sharma   read the paper:

    This author has been practicing Aasan, Praanaayaam and Meditation since 1945 and can assume alpha and theta brain wave states at will as testified by Dr. Elmer Green, Director, Menninger Foundation, USA. With this Yoga ability he solved three outstanding problems and completed the work and writing of his PhD(London) thesis in 7 months after plan approval. For the benefit of others a simple yet effective mode of meditation, the Aanand Yoga, is described, which combines the merits of 5 popular techniques, namely the Gita Yoga of Lord Krishna, Vipashyanaa Yoga of Lord Buddha, Vishvaas Yoga of Swami Vishvaas, Transcendental Meditation (TM) of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi and ancient Paatanjali Yoga.

  • Non-Darwinian Intraspecies Evolution (2009) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Rati Ram Sharma   read the paper:

    The 'genome organization' is not random but follows two guiding principles. The 'gene inclusion principle' decides on the inclusion of permanent genes, which determine and specify various species. These are the 'central' genes, which every one and all members of a species have in fixed positions unchangeably. According to the 'gene exclusion principle', however, no two of the billions of members of a species can have the same identical 'gene group' in the given position(s). The vestigial organs arose from the corresponding normal genetic expressions rather than from the lack of their use or utility. Man never had a tail and will never lose the unutilized pubic & axillary hairs because his genome so provides. The present man has not descended from the ape through Darwinian interspecies evolution but from primitive man himself through intraspecies evolution.

  • Unified Theory Replaces Relativity & Quantum Theory and Uncertainty & Hamilton Principles (2009) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Rati Ram Sharma   read the paper:

    Heisenberg argued that wave and particle are too exclusively different in properties, making the intrinsic wave-quantum unity of light impossible to visualize and describe by the language. He invented mathematical Quantum Theory to circumvent visualization and inadequacy of language. But mathematics too is a language to supplement description. He used it to superimpose hidden concepts leading to the Uncertainty Principle. In Unified Theory the wave & particle aspects of electromagnetic radiation and moving material particle coexist blended together as wave-quantum UNITY. This is also supported by experiments. The wave-or-quantum DUALITIES of Quantum Theory appear due to experimental limitations to observe only one and not both of the two aspects simultaneously. Conservation of mass-energy & momentum are inviolable. Matter?s creation from, or dissolution into, ?nothing' is unrealistic. So the Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle is rejected as unrealistic and new Principle of Null Action with universal applications is introduced, which is based on the conservation of mass-energy, momentum and ?Action'. The Copenhagen interpretation of Quantum Theory is reappraised critically.

  • A Critique of the Einstein Model (2009) [Updated 7 years ago]
    by Rati Ram Sharma   read the paper:

    A wave exists only in its propagating medium but Einstein erred to discard the medium for light wave and to introduce the non-existent 4-D spacetime continuum instead. It denied him the chance to address the intrinsic wave-quantum Unity of light and predict the new entity of ?basic substance' to compose all forms of E & m so compellingly demanded for the interconversions of E & m by the eqn. E=mc2, which is now re-derived. Unified Theory gives cogent arguments and experimental support for the existence of a real physical medium in space, the allcomposing & all-pervading 'sharmon medium' as Basic Substance. It propagates light as a wavequantum UNITY. The non-substantive abstract concepts of space & time evolve from our perceptions of successive motions & changes in the surrounding objects and cannot fuse into any concrete spacetime continuum. If existent it would retard motion of heavenly bodies and of even photons to propagate light, which is not actually observed. The non-composite static spacetime cannot undulate to transmit light. Various multidimensional spacetime continua are mere mathematical constructs and theories based on them unrealistic. Unified Theory explains from sharmon medium the constancy & invariance to source-observer motion, the two pillar postulates of Special Relativity without validating SR. It explains the Michelson-Morley and Sagnac experiments as also the observed variability of light velocity and superluminality, which invalidate Relativity Theories. Lorentz transformations do not describe any natural motion since no velocity can vary (like v) with, and be invariant (like c) to, a source-observer motion at the same time. The actual length of an object, viewed by say, 100 differently moving observers cannot undergo 100 different objective contractions at the same time, making ?contraction of length' an unrealistic concept. So is 'dilatation of time'. But the results of Gravity Probe-A are consistent with Unified Theory. Unified Theory re-explains Photoelectric Effect and Bending of Light in a Gravitational field, proving that photon has a gravitational mass and gravitation is not a curvature of nonexistent spacetime continuum. In Unified Theory, as against Relativity, no particle or energy quantum is massless or sizeless point.

  • Unified Theory Replaces Relativity Theories (2009) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Rati Ram Sharma   read the paper:

    A wave exists only in its propagating medium but Einstein erred to discard the physical medium for light wave and to introduce the non-existent 4-D spacetime continuum instead. It denied him the chance to address the intrinsic wave-quantum Unity of light and predict the new entity of ?basic substance' to compose all forms of E & m so compellingly demanded for the inter-conversions of E & m by the eqn. E=mc2, which is now re-derived. Unified Theory gives cogent arguments and experimental support for the existence of a real physical medium in space, the all-composing & all-pervading 'sharmon medium' as Basic Substance. It propagates light as a wave-quantum UNITY, the particle aspect showing up at short wavelength e.g. from ~ 7000 Ao downward in photochemical effects and below ~ 3000 Ao in photoelectric effects. The non-substantive abstract concepts of space & time evolve from our perceptions of successive motions & changes in the surrounding objects and cannot fuse into any concrete spacetime continuum. If existent it would retard motion of heavenly bodies, which is not actually observed. Any non-composite static spacetime cannot undulate to transmit transverse light wave. Various multidimensional spacetime continua are mere mathematical constructs bereft of physical existence and theories based on them unrealistic. Unified Theory explains from sharmon medium the constancy & invariance to source-observer motion, the two pillar postulates of Special Relativity without validating Special Relativity. It explains Michelson-Morley and Sagnac experiments as also the observed variability of light velocity and superluminality, which invalidate Relativity Theories. Lorentz transformations do not describe any natural motion since no velocity can vary (like v) with, and be invariant (like c) to, a source-observer motion at the same time. The actual length of an object, viewed by say, 100 differently moving observers cannot undergo 100 different objective contractions at the same time, making ?contraction of length' an unrealistic concept. So is 'dilation of time'. Unified Theory derives from sharmon medium the Maxwell equations and the time containing and time free equations for the propagation of wave-quantum unity in gravitational and electromagnetic radiation. The Schrodinger wave equation is also derived. It explains the photoelectric effect. Explanation of the bending of light in a gravitational field shows that photon has mass and gravitation is not a curved 4-D spacetime. All particles and energy-quanta have definite mass & size.

  • Unified Theory's Non-expanding Universe Replaces Big Bang & Steady State Theories of Expanding Universe (2009) [Updated 6 years ago]
    by Rati Ram Sharma   read the paper:

    In a universe expanding as per the Big Bang or Steady State theory the cosmic redshifts should increase exponentially with time, which is not actually observed.  So the universe is NOT expanding. In Unified Theory's non-expanding universe the total energy-mass content is eternally conserved with NO ?initial creation of matter from nothing' in a single big explosive event of the Big Bang theory or continuously as in the Steady State theory. The cosmic redshift is caused not by Doppler effects of receding velocities of stellar light sources but by depletion of photon energy during long passage through the sharmon medium due to non-Doppler effects of gravitational, electromagnetic & viscous losses. Cosmic microwave background follows naturally and plausible explanation given to the observation on Ia type supernovae, which has amazed & horrified the astronomers. Halton Arp's observations of high-redshift quasars in the vicinity of low-redshift parent star systems, negative redshift, and the ejection of two huge mass bodies in opposite directions are also explained. But his ?quantization of redshifts' is not a natural phenomenon. There is no antigravity force permeating space and no likelihood for the universe to become empty ever in future. Age of the non-expanding universe is about 45 billion years. Dark energy and dark matter are related to the Sharmon medium. Realistic theory of Non-expanding universe replaces Big Bang & Steady State theories of expanding universe.

  • Press Release: Einstein was Partly Right, but Greatly Confusing (2009) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Rati Ram Sharma   read the paper:

    Report on NASA observation of two gamma photons of widely different energies arriving together after 7.3bn years is a misleading hype as it only shows non-dispersion of light in free space on which Einstein did not comment. The event is a repeat of 1919 observation by Eddington of the bending of star-light by sun's gravity, which is better explained from this author's Unified Theory but made Einstein a hero over night.

  • Unified Theory's New Principle of Null Action Replaces Uncertainty & Hamilton Principles (2009) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Rati Ram Sharma   read the paper:

    Quantum Theory's Uncertainty Principle violates conservation of energy & momentum and invokes matter's unrealistic creation from, and dissolution into, nothing. In Unified Theory action is an evolute of sharmon with Planck constant h as its quantum. The inviolable conservations of energy and momentum ordain conservation of action too, invalidation of the Uncertainty Principle and introduction of the new ?Principle of Null Action'. It has universal applications and is conceptually superior to Hamilton's Principle of Least Action as the latter unrealistically associates turnover of action NOT with variations in, but with constant, energy & momentum. In Nature, the path chosen by an isolated closed system during a real physical change through a succession of intermediate states from the initial equilibrium state `a' to the final equilibrium state `b' is such that the summation or integration of action covering all variations of energy or momentum is zero or null. Hence the name: ?Principle of Null Action?. The new principle derives the generally accepted equations for the following: Schwinger's Quantum Dynamical Principle, Klein-Gorden Field Equations, Schrodinger Wave Equation, Special and General Relativity, Euler's Equations, Lagrange's Equations, Maxwell Equations for Electromagnetic Radiation, Newton's laws of motion, Thermodynamic Equation of State, Discharge of Capacitance through Inductance & Resistance.

  • The Disturbing Truths About Large Hadron Collider (2008) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Rati Ram Sharma   read the paper:

    Press Statement dated 15 September 2008 re: Large Hadron Collider