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What is Missing From Physical Theory

William Day
Year: 2010
The synthesis of particles in the matrix and space as a medium are separated by a limit to a wavelength.  Physicists assume that there is no theoretical limit to the frequency of electromagnetic waves. But there is a limit to light's velocity and a limit to its frequency. A wave frequency cannot exceed its rate of propagation.; a wave must move before another can form. There is a threshold, therefore, below which photons are not stable. The limit to the wavelength of a photon is 1/c, or 0.3 X 10-10 cm, and the doublet of photons near this threshold are under internal stress to separate This is why it is no coincidence that the wavelength of a photon with a mass equal to the mass of an electron and positron is only slightly larger at 2.17 X 10-10 cm. Nothing smaller than the threshold can be detected or measured. This then is the boundary between the physical world as we know it and virtual space from which matter and energy emerged.