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William R. Hohenberger
local time: 2024-04-16 06:58 (-04:00 DST)
William R. Hohenberger (Abstracts)
Titles Abstracts Details
  • Integrating Vector Particle Physics with the Dodecahedron Quark Ball and the Octahedral Hexagonal Fractal (2013) [Updated 7 years ago]
    by William R. Hohenberger   read the paper:

    It is possible to delineate and to thereby integrate Lockyer's Vector Particle Physics (VPP) with Hohenberger's Dodecahedron Quark Ball (DQB) and his Octahedral Hexagonal Fractal (OHF).? This process includes defining the sine-sine, sine-cosine and sine^2-cosine^2 functions of the E and H fields of an electromagnetic wave; and then integrating these definitions with Lockyer's Electron Cube, the Dodecahedron Quark Ball, the Octahedral Hexagonal Fractal, as well as, previously proposed cross sections for the internal structure of an electromagnetic wave.? The resultant is a common structural platform for determining the internal structure of an electron, and a common correlation of each theory to VPP's respective Electron Cube mathematical derivations.? The VPP Electron Cube and the Octahedral Hexagonal Fractal (OHF) are evaluated for both the internal structure of the mass of an electron, as well as, their structural congruency with the lines of force of the electron's outer field structure as proposed by Briddell's Field Structure Theory (FST).

  • Aethereal Fractal Structures for the Electron & Proton (2012) [Updated 7 years ago]
    by William R. Hohenberger   read the paper:

    Three-dimensional fractal structures that are created by electromagnetic waves oscillating within the aether fractal plenum are developed for the internal structures of electrons and protons. These structures are derived from previously defined hexagonal fractals, twist-loop fractals and fractal periodic tables; and are then structurally integrated with Sierpinski's Triangle, Pascal's Fractal, and the dodecahedron quark ball, and mathematically integrated with electron mass, proton mass, the Phi Pyramid and Planck's Length.

  • The First Priniciples of Aether (2011) [Updated 7 years ago]
    by William R. Hohenberger   read the paper:

    Various fractals are both defined and described that exist within the Aether Fractal Plenum. Mathematical equations are developed from those fractals that define the distribution of energy within the Aether Fractal Plenum. Sierpinski's Triangle and Pascal's Fractal are unified yielding additional mathematical descriptions for those fractals. Structures for electromagnetic waves, charged fibers, and charged particles are referenced from previous papers. A Periodic Table is developed for the various fractals that form within the Aether Fractal Plenum yielding methods for calculating the masses of the electron, proton and neutron, and for the values of the Fine Structure Constant and Planck's Length. Alternate mathematical methods are proposed for verifying the previous calculated values. Structures for the electron and the nucleon are proposed, and atomic structure and the structure of aether is reviewed.

  • Twist-Loop Aethereal Fractal Structures (2010) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by William R. Hohenberger   read the paper:

    Planck's Length (PL) and Alpha, the Fine Structure Constant, can both be structurally defined and mathematically calculated from various fractal platforms operating within the aetheral fractal plenum. Furthermore, Schwartzchild's Radius, Planck's Length and the Fine Structure Constant, can all be structurally and mathematically modeled and then integrated along basic parameters defined by Sierpinksi's Triangle and Pascal's Fractal. Electron radius, electron mass and proton mass can be structurally calculated from the resultants of these charts and models.

  • The Structure of Aether and a Structural Method for Calculating Phi and Planck's Length (2010) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by William R. Hohenberger   read the paper:

    A mathematical octahedral model for the tetrahedral fine structure of aether can be developed, from which the mathematical constants Phi and Planck's Length can be calculated, and then reconciled with the Seven Twist-Loop Fractal model.

  • An Explanation for the Mechanisms that Cause Near-Death and Out of Body Experiences (2010) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by William R. Hohenberger   read the paper:

    The world that we perceive is an illusion created within the boundaries of our mind, and there instead exists another world beyond our human perceptions, which is made from the transcendent energies of the dark and the light and can only be seen through the powers of our imagination. Our human world is not a replication of that world, but merely an enhanced representation, and is a classic example of Plato's ?Shadow on the Wall?. Objects possess no color, but are instead structures of the transcendent energies of the dark and the light, whereas the perception of color is purely a characteristic of the human mind. Analyses of the color of objects, human color perception, holographs, virtual reality and dozens of other human visual attributes all justify the existence of another world beyond our human perceptions. Animals have their own unique perceptual view of the universe based upon their own unique visual apparatus. Human beings have two bodies, the physical and the metaphysical, and falsely conclude that their own unique and human perceptual view of the world is the one and only, real and true world. The real one and only, true world exists independently from, and above and beyond the physical world of both the animals and human beings. The human metaphysical body and its inner self, the human soul, can exist outside of the human physical body and accordingly, outside of the human perceived physical world.

  • The Structure of Aether and the Mechanics of the Electromagnetic Wave Spectrum (2009) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by William R. Hohenberger   read the paper:

    The various philosophies of the physics of aether can and must be integrated for there is only one real truth.  Aether, whether it is called cosmic lattice, quantum foam or the neutrino sea, is a multi-dimensional, multi-generational, hyper-dynamic fractal, which can be thought of as both a fixed lattice and a dynamic fluid, and which is always in constant motion.  All energy preexists within the aether, as waves, particles, matter or fields and all are interchangeable.  Particles, and the matter they form, are saturated constructs of quarks, which are charge segments of an electromagnetic wave.  Electrons are created within the second generation of electromagnetic waves, and protons, neutrons and nucleons are created within the third generation of electromagnetic waves.  The electromagnetic wave spectrum ends at Planck?s frequency.  Waves are three-dimensional structures, exhibiting both properties of compression and tension, and having both transverse components (electric and magnetic fields) and a longitudinal component (their natural propagation speed).  Fields are distortions within the circular structures of the aether.  Objects in motion rip and tear apart the fabric of aether, as their inertia is altered and their directions reversed.  All phenomena can and must be explained as mechanical variations in form and structure of the cosmic, quantum, neutrino, quark, ? aethereal sea.

  • The Effects of Human Perception & the Human Mind on Building a New Paradigm for Physics (2008) [Updated 7 years ago]
    by William R. Hohenberger   read the paper:

    The world that we perceive is actually an illusion created within the boundaries of our mind, and there instead exists another world beyond our human perceptions, which is made from the transcendent energies of the dark and the light and can only be seen through the powers of our imagination. Our human world is not a replication of that world, but merely an enhanced representation, and is a classic example of Plato's "Shadow on the Wall". The universal world is filled with a single luminous substance, the stellar air, and all atoms and all objects are made from condensed stellar air, or liquid light, which are simply visual methods for describing pure energy. Accordingly, objects constructed from those atoms possess no color, but instead are structures of liquid light, whereas color is an attribute of the human mind. The analysis of the color of objects, human color perception, holographs, virtual reality and dozens of other human visual attributes all justify the existence of another world beyond our human perceptions, which can be visualized in its pure energy form. This includes integrated visions for gravity, quarks, electromagnetic waves, relativity, black holes, quantum mechanics, sub-nuclear particles, string theory, the big bang, and a steady state universe. Accordingly, images and sounds exist within the occipital and temporal lobes of our brain. Consciousness, the soul and the spirit exist within the parietal and frontal lobes of our brain. Human behavior is organized and therefore the words that describe human nature can also be organized. Decoding the I Ching delineates human nature and includes absolute definitions for good and evil. The organized word structure for the human mind can be correlated with the I Ching, the Qabala and with Dr. Max Loescher's color test. Our human perceptions have a profound effect upon our abilities to develop a correct and proper model for the universe, and hence to build a new paradigm for physics.

  • Methods for Visualizing Aether, Electromagnetic Waves, and All Else (2008) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by William R. Hohenberger   read the paper:

    The universe is neither empty nor void, but is instead filled with a single universal substance, the stellar air.  Electromagnetic waves oscillate within the stellar air and can be visually described as constructs of the stellar air.  Gamma rays are high frequency electromagnetic waves that compress the stellar air into quarks of liquid light at the resonant frequency of the stellar air within the Universe.  Quarks are four-dimensionally shaped charge segments of a gamma ray, which combine spatially to form saturated particles of liquid light as defined by the Higgs Boson Ball.  Particles combine together to form atoms, mass and matter, which possess no color but are instead fashioned from constructs of liquid light.  Protons interconnect as links of a chain and can be mirrored after the electron shells.  The stellar air flows through our bodies and into the Earth, causing our sense of weight and then turns into mass, or liquid light, through the process of nuclear pro-fusion and causes the Earth to grow and to expand.  The physics of four-dimensional space and time, the quantum physics of nuclear particles, the structure of the nucleus of an atom, the twenty-one dimensions of string theory, the colors of electrodynamics and the color psychosomatics of the human mind can all be integrated into a single whole through the philosophy of science.  Stellar air and liquid light are methods for describing pure energy.

  • A Unified Vision of the Universe (2008) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by William R. Hohenberger   read the paper:

    All the space between the stars and the planets is filled with a single universal substance, the stellar air. The objects of our physical world are made from compressed and condensed stellar air, or liquid light. The stellar air can be seen as a luminous fog and the liquid light can be seen as structures of crystal. The stellar air is flowing into the Earth, which causes the sensation of gravity, and then turns into mass or liquid light, which causes the Earth to grow and to expand and the Earth's continents to drift apart. A black hole is a void encased within a ball of nuclear fire and exists at the center of each of the galaxies, the stars, and the planets. The physical universe expands within the heavenly universe, which is both finite and eternal. Everything is made from the stellar air and the liquid light and can be visualized in the various shapes and forms of the energies of the dark and the light. The world of color that we perceive is actually an illusion created within the boundaries of our minds, and there instead exists another world beyond our human perceptions, which is accessible only through the powers of our imagination.