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Solutions of a Cosmological Schr?dinger Equation for Exact Gravitational Waves based on a Friedman Dust Universe with Einstein's Lambda

James G. Gilson
Year: 2008 Pages: 17
Keywords: Cosmological Schr?dinger Equation, Gravitational Waves, Friedman Dust Universe,Einstein?s Lambda,
In an earlier paper, it was shown that the cosmological model that was introduced in a sequence of three earlier papers under the title A Dust Universe Solution to the Dark Energy Problem, originally described by the Friedman equations, can be expressed as a solution to a non-linear Schr?dinger equation. In this paper, a large collection of solutions to this Schr?dinger equation are found and discussed in the context of relaxing the uniform mass density condition usually employed in cosmology theory. The surprising result is obtained that this non-linear equation can have its many solutions linearly superposed to obtain solution of the cosmology theory problem of great generality and applicability.