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A New Model of the Neutrino

Wladimir Guglinski

There are many vital questions not answered by the current model of neutron in Nuclear Physics. When a model is unable to answer all the vital questions satisfactorily, an unavoidable question arises: is such a theoretical model indeed the fundamental model used by the Nature? The neutron is not a fundamental particle, because it suffers decay. However, in all the nuclei the neutron is a fundamental brick of their structure.

Therefore, if the model of the neutron has not the same structure of the neutron used by the Nature, obviously that such a fact shall have fundamental repercussions in the development of Nuclear Physics. It is obvious that we cannot get a satisfactory model of the nucleus having as a point of departure a wrong model of the neutron.

Here we propose a new model of the neutron. In later papers, a new nuclear model will be proposed. These two models will be a new point of departure for the establishment of new foundations for a New Nuclear Theory.