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Incompatibility Between Nuclear Theory and Electric Quadrupole Moment

Wladimir Guglinski
Keywords: Electric Quadrupole Moment

In Nuclear Theory, the quadrupole moment is explained through the Collective Model. This model considers the same potential V(r) used in the Model of Layers, but with an additional consideration: the nucleus can suffer distortions. The distortion allows to the model to behave in order to reproduce the electric quadrupole moment and the magnetic moments, according to Nuclear Theory.

Nevertheless, if a nuclear model has the ambition of reproducing theoretically the quadrupole moment, it must have some nuclear features, otherwise it will be unable to reproduce the phenomenon. Herein we analyze the nuclear electric quadrupole moment with the aim of understanding how a nucleus can yield the phenomenon. In addition, we will verify if the Collective Model indeed succeeds in reproducing it, as claim the nuclear physicists.