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Contribution of Gamma Rays as the Caue of Alpha Decay

Wladimir Guglinski
Keywords: Gamma Rays, Alpha Decay

Along the development of Quantum Mechanics in the 20th Century the physicists came to the conclusion that the Nature operates through statistical laws. The emission of alpha particles by the radioactive nuclei was one of the stronger contributors for the establishment of that conclusion, because the theorists did not succeed in finding a dynamical cause responsible for the alpha particles emission, which distribution by unit of time is conform to Bernouilli?s distribution of probability. Herein we shall show that:

  1. The theorists arrived to that conclusion because the current nuclear models of Nuclear Physics are not compatible with a dynamical cause for the alpha particles emission. As it will be seen here, such an incompatibility with a dynamical cause is decurrent from the feature of those nuclear models: they have a radial distribution of nucleons inside the nuclei (see the paper Critique to the Models of Nuclear Physics).
  2. From the author?s new nuclear model it is possible to explain the alpha particles emission through a dynamical cause, because his new model has an axial distribution of nucleons inside the nuclei. At the end of the present paper we talk about how the alpha decay can be a phenomenon in the inverse way of that through which the deuterons (or hydrogen) captured by a heavy nucleus cause transmutation by cold fusion.