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Definitive Coherent Structure of New Nuclear Model

Wladimir Guglinski
Keywords: Nuclear Model
Consider a nucleus of oxygen 8O16, with the nucleon 2He4 in the center performing a flux responsible for the aggregation of the 6 nucleons 1H2 distributed as a hexagon about the central 2He4. If we consider that such a flux is of electromagnetic origin, the nucleus 8O16 would have to have the structure shown in Figure A, in order to get ? = 0 & i = 0 for the 8O16. But we cannot imagine any reasonable cause (based on the laws of Physics) for that arbitrary distribution: three nucleons 1H2 with spin up in the left side and three nucleons 1H2 with spin down in the right side. From the philosophical viewpoint, it makes no sense. Therefore, before 1996 the author was not satisfied with his new Hexagonal Floors nuclear model. That is why in 1996 the author has started to suppose that the flux created by the central 2He4 would not have an electromagnetic origin, and he has launched an enterprise for trying to discover what sort of flux it could be. From the enterprise, he discovered the definitive coherent structure of the nucleus.