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Mechanism for Pauli's Exclusion Principle

Wladimir Guglinski
Keywords: Pauli's Exclusion Principle

The space has electromagnetic properties, according to the Relativity Theory, it can have a contraction, a property compatible with the hypothesis of a space fulfilled by the ether, and so we may expect that the electromagnetism is a property of the ether. The electrosphere of an atom has also electromagnetic properties.

Then it is reasonable to suppose that there is a participation of the ether?s contraction in the equilibrium of the electron into the electrosphere. When Bohr, and after him many other physicists analyzed such equilibrium of the electron, they did not take in consideration the participation of the space?s contraction, since the space was considered as an empty thing. Herein we analyze the hypothesis that Pauli?s principle can be a consequence of the participation of the ether in the equilibrium of the electrosphere. It is also shown that the atom of Quantum Mechanics is unable to explain the diamagnetism.