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A Fundamental Revolution In Science

Lawrence S. Myers
Year: 2006
Keywords: Kant's Nebular Hypothesis, gravitational accretion
Kant's Nebular Hypothesis [i] of creation of the Earth and Solar System, the most fundamental assumption in science, has been false since its inception in 1755, and must be replaced by one that reflects the realities of what is observed in the Solar System. This paper presents a new theory of Accreation ('creation by accretion') to replace Kant's fallacious and misleading hypothesis. Accreation is a descriptive term that accurately describes how comets (the only solid bodies known to enter the Solar System) are captured by the Sun's gravity and form planets by a dual process of passive external accretion of mass (including solar energy) and dynamic internal expansion. These are the mechanisms of all planetary growth. In effect, Accreation is a perpetual universal recycling system that begins with supernova remnants (comets) captured by the Sun that become the nuclei and building blocks for new planets by gravitational accretion and amalgamation until they grow and expand into future suns and stars that eventually become supernovae and produce comets that continue the cycle in some distant galaxy or solar system. A new discovery also discloses that the algorithms used in processing geodetic data from Global Positioning System measurements were adjusted in 1993 to exclude data from sites showing anomalous height elevations. The data "zeroed out" is exactly the information needed to prove Earth?s diameter is increasing and thus refute the constant Earth diameter assumed by the fallacious Nebular Hypothesis.