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Structure and Size of the Physical Universe

Satya Pal Asija
Year: 2010
Keywords: Structure, mass, motion, matter, stuff, objects, things, universe, cosmos, static, dynamic, equilibrium, shape, form, function, URL, Universal Relationship, Law, Nature, weight, gravity,
Structure of matter (mass, stuff, objects etc) and the structure universe is the dynamic [equilibrium, dead end stop or solitary mass (No other mass in the vicinity as at or near the edge of the universe) in motion] relationship between the trio of 1) mass (matter, objects or its synonyms),  2) motion and 3) time within our range of perception (with or without instrumentation) with infinite variety of geometric shapes, beyond which range the structural infinite variety continues from infinitesimal to infinity, notwithstanding a dynamic structure may appear static if beyond human perception range and/or against a STOP (AKA Dead-End).  The weight of the universe is about 10100 grams.