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Physical Lines of Force in the Aether

David Tombe
Year: 2011 Pages: 2
In the nineteenth century, James Clerk-Maxwell was unable to explain the linkage between gravity and electromagnetism. He realized that gravitational lines of force must involve a pressure, as is the case with magnetic lines of force when they are involved in mutual repulsion. He also realized that the pressure in the magnetic lines of force acts laterally due to centrifugal force in a sea of molecular vortices, but he couldn't seem to similarly explain the pressure in the gravitational lines of force [1]. It will now be suggested that gravitational lines of force are actually lines of tension, and that Maxwell's molecular vortices are dielectric in nature. The linear polarization of these dipolar vortices, caused by the gravitational field, will increase the centrifugal pressure which is exerted laterally, and this pressure will result in a repulsive force in competition with the attractive force. The attractive force, being a monopole field, will obey the inverse square law, whereas the repulsive force, being a dipole field, will obey the inverse cube law. Hence if the charge of an object increases, the inverse cube law relationship for the surrounding repulsive force field will lead to a reversal threshold, where it will dominate over the attractive force. The charge can increase electrostatically or because of inertia. In the latter case, the repulsive force field is the large scale centrifugal force.