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Aberration Of Electric Field And Accelerated Motion Of An Electron With Constant Mass

Musa D. Abdullahi
Year: 2019 Pages: 4

An electron of mass m and charge –e moving with velocity v at angle theta to the accelerating force, due to an electric field of intensity E, is subject to aberration of electric field. Aberration is due to relativity of velocity (c - v) between the electrical force, transmitted with velocity of light c and the electron moving with velocity v at time t. The accelerating force m(dv/dt) is less than the electrostatic force –eE, the difference being radiation reaction force. Energy radiated is the difference between change in potential energy and change in kinetic energy. Motion of the electron with constant mass and its radiation power are treated under acceleration with theta = 0 or deceleration with theta = pi radians or at constant speed v, in a circle of radius r, with theta =pi/2 radians. It is shown that circular revolution of an electron round a central force of attraction, as in the Rutherford's nuclear model of the hydrogen atom, is without radiation and stable outside quantum mechanics, contrary to classical and relativistic electrodynamics.