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Pages: 170
Publisher: Geo/Space Research Foundation
Year: 1986
ISBN: 0936961015
ISBN: 978-0936961019

Space Medium: The Key to Unified Physics (Buy Now)

Thomas G. Barnes

The abandonment of the concept of a medium in space is perhaps the greates mistake of physicists in this century.  With no medium physics was without a rational theory of propagation in space.  It is necessary not only for the propagation mechanism of waves in space, but also for the dynamical mechaism that acts on bodies in space.

This book contains a new theory of the medium in space.  It is a reactive and propagative medium.  The theory is a logical deduction from the physics of Michael Faraday and James Clerk Maxwell.

The propagative and reactive properties of the medium are consistent with the classical laws of physics and with all the applicable terrestial and astronomical experiments.  The same suggested in an 1845 paper by George Stokes.  He based his suggestion on astronomical observations and his wave theory solution for the propagation of light in the medium...

The reactive property of the medium provides a rational explanation of Newton;s third law.  For every action force the medium provides the reaction force.

The mechanism fro propagating electromagnetic waves in the space medium is a straightforward application of Faraday's lines of force.  Radiation of energy into the medium is explained in terms of the medium.   Gravitational waves in space are expressed in terms of complementary electromagnetic waves and are propagated with the speed of light.

This theory of a propagative and reactive medium has been presented in technical papers before meetings of professional societies, both physics and engineering societies.  The response has been encouraging.  This theory appears to have opened a whole new field of research.  There are still many ramifications that need to be explored but that is what makes physics exciting. - From the Preface