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Pages: 246
Publisher: Sourcebook Project
Year: 1987
ISBN: 0915554216
ISBN: 978-0915554218

Stars, Galaxies, Cosmos: A Catalog of Astronomical Anomalies (Buy Now)

William R. Corliss
  • Did the Big Bang really begin the existence of all we know? Do we honestly know how the stars (and our sun) work? Can we rely on Newton's Law of Gravitation? According to this volume the answer seems to be "Probably not ! "
  • Typical subjects covered:
    Optical bursters and flare stars * Estorical color change of Sirius * Infrared cirrus clouds * Quasar-galaxy associations * The red-shift controversy * Quantization of red shifts * The quasar energy paradox * Apparent faster-than-light velocities in quasars and galaxies * Evidence for universal rotation * Swiss cheese structure of universe * Is the "missing mass" really missing ? * Superluminous infrared galaxies * Shells around elliptical galaxies
  • Comments from reviews: "...it never fails to be interesting, challenging and stimulating", New Scientist