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Pages: 306
Publisher: C. Roy Keys Inc. (Apeiron)
Year: 1998
ISBN: 0968368905
ISBN: 978-0968368909

Seeing Red: Redshifts, Cosmology and Academic Science (Buy Now)

Halton C. Arp
Arp's new book is a frontal assault on the standard model of the universe, replete with anecdotes and illustrations, including 8 pages of colour plates.

"Seeing Red" represents a senior scientist's personal account of the crisis in moderrn astronomy. Dr. Arp presents observations showing that extragalactic redshifts are not caused by an expanding universe. He crafts up an empirical picture of the birth and evolution of quasars and galaxies, demonstrating that crucial observations have been ignored and suppressed by the astronomy community. Finally, he cites examples of how academic science fails its ideals and potential. - Amazon