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Pages: 51
Publisher: Ekkehard Friebe & Jocelyne Lopez
Year: 2003/2006

95 Years of Criticism of the Special Theory of Relativity (1908-2003)
KeyWords: Special Relativity

G. O. Mueller
Ekkehard Friebe
Jocelyne Lopez

This is an English translation of portions of the larger work, Ueber die absolute Groesse der speziellen Relativitaetstheorie.  G. O. Mueller and Karl Kneckebrodt are pseudonyms chosen for the project.

Description of a German research project of international scope, presenting a documentation of 3789 publications criticizing the theory (1908-2003), distributing this documentation to libraries, to the printed media, and to eminent representatives of public opinion, and addressing open letters to the members of the German Federal Parliament (Bundestag), and to journals of several German newspapers.