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Pages: 157
Publisher: COSMO Publications, 24-B Ansari Road, Dariyaganj, New Delhi, India
Year: 1984
ISBN: 8170200237

Molecular Homoeopathy / (Molecular Biophysics of the "Micro" Dose) (Buy Now)

Rati Ram Sharma
The book, for the first time ever in the world, presents molecular theories, supported at crucial stages by experiments, to elucidate various principles and phenomena of Homoeopathy, scientifically. It marks a happy culmination of the author\'s two decades\' search for the scientific bases of Homoeopathy. The book shows that hithertofore Homoeopathy has been considered unscientific partly because the sciences themselves were conceptually inadequate to negotiate the homoeopathic phenomena. It removes this inadequacy and makes the sciences richer with some new and bold concepts and with molecular theories of disease, diagnosis and cure. The mysteries of drug potentization and micro-dose are solved. Controlled drug trials on well worked out cases of human patients and Alloxan induced diabetic rats establish the efficacy of the high potency homoeomedicines with no molecule of the original drug. And show them to have plenty of diluent molecules turned medicinally active via dynamization processes, thereby removing the perennial impasse created by Avogadro?s law. To elucidate the science of Homoeopathy three new sciences of Inductive Chemistry, Xenobiology & Inductoxenopathy are proposed. The author develops his arguments gradually and convincingly. The book will benefit a wide spectrum of readers including the teachers and students of diploma and degree courses in Homoeopathy