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Pages: 32
Publisher: High Voltage Press
Year: 2000
ISBN: 0970961812
ISBN: 978-0970961815

Son of Tesla Coil (Buy Now)

George B. Trinkaus

Sequel to the classic Tesla Coil. We\'ve thrown lots of sparks, but is this all Tesla had in mind? Utilitarian Tesla. Can Tesla coils do real work? Can they power an alternative fluorescent lighting? Build a \"third generation\" Tesla coil. Discover the magic of oil immersion, close coupling, and precise pulsing. Build a Tesla lighting plant. Meet the new electronic neon technology. A look at the familiar hybrid spark-ignition-coil and flyback Tesla coils. Then a leap forward to the Tesla coil pulsed directly by solid state, where battery 12 volts can yield 2000. The same circuitry can pulse 500 volts into a primary, yielding 100 times that. Can spark also deliver clean, stable outputs? Meet the Chaffee gap.

\"Build a \"third generation\" Tesla coil. Discover the magic of oil immersion, close coupling, and precise pulsing. Learn how to drive a Tesla coil from low-voltage battery power. See how neon technology can be adapted for Tesla off-the-shelf. Build a solid-state pulse generator and a Tesla lighting plant and hook up your ammeter and see if it is efficient. Will Tesla be the next step in home power?\" - TeslaTech