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Jonathan Yalley
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Jonathan Yalley (Books)

View count: 1
by Jonathan Yalley

Pages: 592
Publisher: AuthorHouse
Year: 2011 / 2012
ISBN: Pending

This book engages cosmology, astronomy and astrophysics in concert with the grand universe. It involves a technically choreographed scientific account of the origin, development and final frontier of an ever expanding grand universe which hitherto never before realistically divulged.

Realistic and logical scientific explanations are given to not-so-easy-to-understand cosmological issues like: how the grand universe began altogether; how long it took for its manifestation; whether there existed a Big Bang at all and if it did exist whether it resulted from a singularity consisting of matter with infinite density and near zero volume or it resulted from a plurality; the elusive nature of the period before the opaque time curtain after the so-called Big Bang as set forth by the general theory of relativity; the crucial bonding and accelerating roles of respective dark matter and dark energy; the concepts of black hole, white hole, worm hole and time travel from cosmological viewpoint; the question of multiple universes and of course the crucial importance of the irresistible question on the age of the grand universe among many others. One of the most captivating aspects of the physical universe is its workings as an ideal complex gaseous machine with the ability to perpetuate itself by the birth and death of stars. Influencing the following: high velocity moving gas in interstellar medium (ISM), cosmic voids which are the sources of empty space in star formation areas, WMAP cold spot in relation to parallel universes, the missing link existing between globular clusters and dwarf galaxies, blue straggler stars (BSS) and small galaxies giving birth to smaller stars among others, the physical universe showcases four unique gaseous sub-machines.

With a three-way approach unleashed to practically determine the same age of the grand universe, science amicably confronts religion. Eventually, erroneous zones fizzled out leaving not only realistic answers but also the very much needed truth about the grand universe's true age. Also, a fundamentally versatile rule dubbed the General Constant Spin Principle through its consistent regulatory functions helped to demonstrate the simplistic nature of the overall physical transformation of the grand universe. Such physical transformation involves two physical phase transition namely the primary and secondary physical universe respectively initiated during its origination and early development. These will ultimately be crowned with a tertiary physical phase as its terminal final frontier. In the very end, the grand universe emerges as an ever-expanding crystal ball of galaxies in which we live.

Topics included are:

  Nature of General Space & Time

       -  Endoergic & Exoergic Vacuum, Space Differential Density.

General Space Polymorphism
     -  The Dynamic Galactic Gaseous Crystal.                                          

Galactic Bonding

     -  Nature of Dark Matter & Dark Energy.

SZE Galactic Crystallography

     -  Empirical Identification of Existing Galactic Crystal Planes. 

The Cosmic Uncertainty Principle 

   -  Temperature Version of Indeterminacy.

The Universal Trio-Phase Mechanism 

   -  Origin of the Primary Physical Universe.

   -  Development of the Secondary Physical Universe.

   -  Final Terminal Frontier of the Tertiary Physical Universe.

Primary Physical Opaque Time Curtain 

   -  Choreographed Events Initiated by Topoids.

Belated Big Bang 

   -  A Delayed Explosion of the Grand Universe.

Triplicate Ages of the Grand Universe 

   -  Solar Metrics, Relic Radiation & Calibrated Hubbles Law.

Terminal Universal Expansion Continuum  

   - Final Frontier of the Expanding Grand Universe.

The Universe As A Perfect Gaseous Machine 

   -  It showcases 4 Unique Gaseous Sub-Machines which influence: 

   -  High Velocity Gases in ISM, Cosmic Voids and Blue Straggler Stars.

   -  Small Stars via Small Galaxies, Globular Clusters & Dwarf Galaxies.    

   -  Space Cold Spots & Multiverse, Blackholes, Wormholes, Time Travel etc.

Quantum Mechanical Tunnelling 

   -  Weak  and  Strong  Quantum Tunnelling.

and many other subtle cosmological issues which together are succinctly and realistically confronted in this book, From Zilch To The Visible.





View count: 1
by Jonathan Yalley

Pages: 216
Publisher: Author House
Year: 2011
ISBN: 978-1456787257

Contemporary quasi-analytic approach to division lacks comprehensive representation of the process of sharing. This leads to arithmetic conundrums such as infinity, indeterminate forms and undefined forms such as division by zero. However when evinced as a holistic analysis under equity distribution, the universality of sharing interactions as processes of basic arithmetic division results. In the end, physically-flavored and meaningful end results are derived through congenial and realistic qualitative and quantitative analysis. As a result of the natural and realistic analysis provided in this book, The Obelus Set Theory of Equity Distribution, the said underpinning conundrums in mathematics are hitherto very well understood. In general, the interactive process of sharing can be represented by the arithmetic operation commonly called division. It involves the separation of an object into two or more parts. When subjected to quantitative and qualitative analysis under a condition of equity distribution, the process of sharing does indeed result in an outcome that is not only realistic but also natural to understand.

The formalization of the mathematics of distributional sets namely distributum (items for distribution), distribient (or recipients) and the surrogate sets via the law of equity distributions allows for an extremely good understanding for myriad mathematical conundrums. Some of the rewarding consequences encapsulated by this evolved holistic approach to universal sharing interactions outlined in this book includes distribution density, abstract field axioms, law of equity distribution, distributive and non-distributive numbers, set surrogation, set resonance, unit donor principle, propensity (which is a measure of natural inclination towards a particular action), mapping statistics, the continuum hypothesis, point continuum, analysis of pi, the concept of redistribution, hypo and hyper-distributions and set resonance equilibrium. In order to show the ease of direct application of the novel concept(s) and principles revealed in this book, one of the basics of marketing mix, that is distribution channels, is analyzed. Here, the concepts of universal linear distributions and marginal distribution allow for an excellent way to both micro and macro-manage distribution processes as a whole. In general, the managerial processes outlined can well be adopted for other practical scenarios.

Finally, from a theoretical perspective, the concepts of the fundamental process of sharing are used as a vehicular probe to provide a simple solution to a very fundamental quest in computer science namely the search for a proof of equality or non-equality between the class of P (which involves problems solvable by conventional computers in time polynomial to the input size) and NP class (which requires one to find a solution of a problem where it is feasible to quickly verify that the solution is correct). The solution to this fundamental P- NP problem has challenged the core of theoretical computer science and contemporary mathematics to date. The dichotomy between the abstraction of the real world into the mathematical world of abstract relationships and the specialization of the mathematical world into specificity of things sincerely begs the following pertinent question: Can any part or whole of the mathematical world of abstract relationships exist without any instantiation in the real world?  It turned out that P is equal to NP! This only confirms the universality of intelligent adaptation.

Topics included are:

  • Distribution Density, Law of Equity Distribution, Non-Distributive Numbers, Distributive Numbers, Abstract Field Axioms
  • Set Surrogation, Propensity, Unit Donor Principle, Set Resonance, Set Resonance Equilibrium,
  • Mapping Statistics, Continuum Hypothesis, Point Continuum, Analysis of Pi, Hypo-Hyper Distributions
  • Universal Linear Distributions, Marginal Distribution, Distribution Channels Analysis, P Class versus NP Class.