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Adolphe Martin
local time: 2024-04-28 12:27 (-04:00 DST)
Adolphe Martin (Abstracts)
Titles Abstracts Details
  • Gravitation in a Gaseous Ether (2005) [Updated 7 years ago]
    by Adolphe Martin   read the paper:

    Newtonian gravitation arises from the Clausius term added to the ideal gas equation to account for the space occupied by cosmons, fundamental particles of cosmonic gas. The gravitational force is explained as a pressure due to static pressure and cosmon concentration.

  • Fundamental Particles as Structures in Cosmic Gas (2000) [Updated 7 years ago]

  • Reception of Light Signals in Galilean Space-Time (1997) [Updated 1 decade ago]

    Ny interpreting Relativity in Galilean space and time, it was found that the time of light reception by an observer moving relative to a source is a different event from the reception of the same light by an observer at rest. The Einstein viewpoint considers these two events to be the same, thus introducing the Special Relativity paradoxes. Using only Einstein's own coordinates and speed parameter as given by the Lorentz equations but introducing his Doppler factor and reasonning as a Galilean, we arrive at a different viewpoint from Einstein's with light speeds c', relative to the source and c', relative to the observer, different from Einstein's constant co. This viewpoint becomes an isomorphism of a truly Galilean viewpoint with relative velocity V given by v/co = tanh (V/co) and light speeds C = C' + V and C' = C - V, where angles remain the same as in Einstein space-time, and all corresponding distances have the same ratio sinhB/B, the Galilean coordinates being given by both the Lorentz equations and Galilean transformation. This eliminates the Special Relativity paradoxes, though respecting the relativity principle and invariance of space and time of Galilean Relativity.

  • Light Signals in Galilean Relativity (1994) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Adolphe Martin   read the paper:

    In invariant Galilean space-time, the Einstein postulate of the constancy of light speed is replaced by the postulate of space and time invariance. The Doppler factor is used to determine the time of light reception by the observer moving relative to the source. The requirement that velocity addition be vectorial in three space dimensions or arithmetical on each space dimension is met. Finally, we compare four viewpoints: one in Einstein Relativity, three in Galilean Relativity, with Einstein speed v, with Proper speed v/L and with Galilean speed V.

  • The Ether Revisied (1994) [Updated 1 decade ago]

    We will show that the Lorentz transformation applies in Galilean space-time, such that the laws of electromagnetism and classical mechanics become invariant. Assuming the existence of a gas permeating all space and matter, we conclude that the mechanical properties of gases, known for over a century, are sufficient to explain the known physical phenomena such as electromagnetism, light propagation, gravitation, quantum mechanics and the structure of elementary particles, including the photon.