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Francis Viren Fernandes
local time: 2024-04-26 14:28 (+05:30 )
Francis Viren Fernandes


57 (1 to 25) << 1 | 2 | 3 >>
ether wikipedia
2015-02-04 08:19:23

A particle that has a mass of 1.859222909 x 10^-9 kg and a mean volumetric radius of 1.380668031 x 10^-36 m which corresponds with the Boltzmann constant. This 186-ether represents elementary charge. The Planck mass of quantum gravity is the upper limit of 186-ether in pulsate motion. Mass dilation occurs along with time period fluctuations in ether and therfor light.

gravity wikipedia
2015-02-04 08:19:23

Gravity is acceleration with units of meter per second squared. Voltage is gravity.

void wikipedia
2015-02-04 08:19:23

Space without mass. Space is volume.

space wikipedia
2015-02-04 08:19:23

Space is volume with units of meter cubed.

mass wikipedia
2015-02-04 08:19:23

Inertial mass is the mass of photon clusters.
Gravitational mass is the mass of 186-ether contained within the inertial mass.

time period wikipedia
2015-02-04 08:19:23

Time period is the inverse of frequency.

speed of light wikipedia
2015-02-04 08:19:23

The pulsation of 186-ether. c = The radius of 186 x frequency of 186-ether.

light wave length wikipedia
2015-02-04 08:19:23

Light wave length = the circumference of a photon expanded by 137.036

energy, eve wikipedia
2015-02-04 08:19:23

Energy, eVe = photon mass x radius x acceleration where voltage V is accleleration and charge squared, e^2 is photon mass x radius x 10^7.

heat, ev wikipedia
2015-02-04 08:19:23

Heat, eV = I^2 x R x t where Current squared, I^2, is force, resistance, R is velocity per elementary charge and t is the time current is measured.

Importantly eV and eVe can both not be energy. This is the biggest blunder in the history of physics.

acceleration wikipedia
2015-02-04 08:19:23

It is the product of two velocities about a mean volumetric radius. One velocity is that of 186-ether or gravitational mass and the other of photon or inertial mass.

force wikipedia
2015-02-04 08:19:23

Force is mass times acceleration. If the acceleration is due to gravity then the force is gravitational.
F = m x a.
F = m x g.

Force is kelvin or absolute temperature.
Force is current squared.

oxidation state wikipedia
2015-02-04 08:19:23

The number of 186-seed ether associated with a photon cluster. The mass of the photon cluster is the atomic mass of a particular element in the periodic table.

charge wikipedia
2015-02-04 08:19:23

Elementary charge corresponds to the mass of 186-ether.
One Coulomb charge corresponds to 116-ether.

q^2 = m x r x 10^7

ether force wikipedia
2015-02-04 08:19:23

The force of 186-ether. F = 1.210273708 x 10^44 N

hand of god wikipedia
2015-02-04 08:19:23

137.036 is the pulsation factor in the radial expansion-contraction cycles of a photon body. It is the inverse of the experimental hand of god number. No longer a worry for physicists and now we may tack this solution on our walls.

photon wikipedia
2015-02-04 08:19:23

A photon obeys the equation : q^2 = m x r x 10^7

electron wikipedia
2015-02-04 08:19:23

An electron is a type of photon and obeys the equation : q^2 = m x r x 10^7

ionization energy wikipedia
2015-02-04 08:19:23

Ionization energy is the heat input as eV that leads to the phenomenon of pair production. The emitted electron is thus observed. The electron was never there in the atom in the first place. We ASSUME that if an electron comes out of an atom it is there in the first place. This assumption is incorrect.

rydberg photon wikipedia
2015-02-04 08:19:23

The Rydberg photon has been construed to be the electron in a hydrogen atom.

unified theory wikipedia
2015-02-04 08:19:23

If eV and eVe are both not energy; then voltage,V is acceleration, temperature is force and voltage and gravity become synonymous; And temperature, T is Wien's law for radiation equates with Newton's law of gravitation; So the search for a unified theory ends here. Light, Gravity, Electromagnetism fall in place if eV and eVe are not the same.

speed of light squared, c^2 wikipedia
2015-02-04 08:19:23

The speed of light squared is not c x c. It is a product of the velocity of 186-ether and the velocity of the photon mass associated with 186-ether.

electric force wikipedia
2015-02-04 08:19:23

The force of an electron is 29.05350661 N.

constant wikipedia
2015-02-04 08:19:23

A constant is unchanged even if the variables in the equation in which the constant appears, change. A constant may appear changed in an experiment. This change must be validated by listing all the variables. A missed variable will contribute to a change in the value of a constant.

proton wikipedia
2015-02-04 08:19:23

A proton is comprised of 69 million Rydberg photons.

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