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Bill Stubbs
local time: 2024-05-17 01:20 (-04:00 DST)
Bill Stubbs (Abstracts)
Titles Abstracts Details
  • An Assessment of the Gravity Data Collected at the Mohe Observation Center in China during the March 9, 1997 Total Solar Eclipse (2013) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Bill Stubbs   read the paper:

    An assessment was done of the gravity data collected at the Mohe Observation Center in China during the March 9, 1997 total solar eclipse. After a search for the original tabulated measured data proved unsuccessful, the data was reconstituted by extracting values from a graph of the data found in a report.  The reconstituted measured gravity values were processed by removing an approximation of what the gravity would have been had no eclipse occurred, leaving values of the gravity caused by the eclipse.  These values were plotted and analyzed.  The plot shows that, contrary to previous claims, there does not appear to be any anomalies in the data.  The graph also suggests that the gravimeter collecting the data sensed the eclipse about eight minutes before it was visually noticeable.  Based on the gravity profile of the eclipse, it appears to have behaved as expected.

  • A Model of the Electron Based on Its Magnetic Moment (2012) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Bill Stubbs   read the paper:

    The magnetic moment can be expressed as the product of a 'moment of charge' and a frequency. Using this, the Bohr magneton appears to be the electron magnetic moment generated when the electron is modeled as a hollow sphere. It is shown that, by treating the electron as a small charged particle in a rotating high-speed orbit instead of a hollow sphere, a correction to the hollow-sphere moment of charge approximation appears that produces an electron magnetic moment much closer to the actual value than the Bohr magneton.

  • A Model of Gravity (2012) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Bill Stubbs   read the paper:

    The mechanisms that cause bodies to move toward each other due to gravity remain a mystery.  It is shown that the typical dimensions of the gravitational constant are reduced to simplest form.  Through analysis they are restored to a more useful form.  Once restored, they give insight into why masses are drawn to each other.  They support a gravity model where a fluid filling all of space and surrounding all mass is essentially consumed by mass, creating currents of the fluid that ultimately move the bodies consuming it toward each other.

  • Reinterpreting the Results of the Fleischmann and Pons Cold Fusion Experiments (2011) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Bill Stubbs   read the paper:

    A case is made for the fusion reactions apparently occurring in the original Fleischmann and Pons (F-P) experiments to be the result of free D+ ions formed at the anode during electrolysis colliding with deuterons trapped in the Pd lattice of the cathode, rather than trapped deuterons being squeezed together by the lattice. The data from the experiments show that the energy output of F-P cells was essentially proportional to the energy input, independent of the cathode size or the current strength, which implies that the cathode plays a passive role in the energy production. The number of D+ ions produced at the anode and their velocities are proportional to the current used in the cell, so that the number of D+ ions that survive the trip across the gap between the anode and the cathode is greater for greater currents. The larger numbers of D+ ions from the higher currents result in more collisions with trapped deuterons in the cathode producing more energy.