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Prof. Philipp M. Kanarev
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Prof. Philipp M. Kanarev (Books)

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This book combines the 10th Edition of The Foundations of Physchemistry of Micro World with a brand new edition of The Lectures of Unity of Axiom (Textbook for Training Faculty).

1. The new axiomatic of natural sciences is given in the book; on its basis, quantum physics and quantum chemistry have been returned to the classical way of development. The first steps are made on this way, which have led to discovery of the structure of the photon, the electron, and the principle of the formation of the atomic nuclei, the atoms, the molecules and clusters. As a result, a new interpretation of many physical and chemical phenomena has appeared, and the conditions for cognition of the universe depths under the control of the space-matter-time axiom, the main axiom of natural science, have been formed.

An application of the new theoretical results to the solution of the practical energy tasks has been shown on the basis of the pulse and plasma influences on the ions and cluster of water. Due to these influences, the energy expenses on production of hydrogen and thermal energy from water are considerably reduced as compared with the existing methods of their production. Besides, a transmutation of the atomic nuclei of the alkali metals and the cathode metal takes place during the plasma electrolytic process. This process claims to a leading role in the study of the atomic nuclei of chemical elements.

The book is intended for physicists, chemistry and other scientists and specialists which are seeking new way for understanding of micro world and new sources of energy.

2. Inevitably time when young owners of school certificates and high school diplomas will count the teachers on physics and chemistry the main criminals who have crippled their mental potential comes nearer.

The mankind does not have force and authority capable to stop this process. Make it can only offered textbook on the new physical and chemical knowledge accessible to understanding of school teachers. It gives chance to each teacher of school and each teacher of high school to rescue the reputation independently.

Studying of the series of lectures, submitted in the textbook, while - a unique way of disposal of own reason from an abundance of fundamental scientific mistakes on physics and the chemistry saved in the scientific environment of mankind not one century.

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by Philipp M. Kanarev

Pages: 675
Publisher: Kuban State Agrarian University
Year: 2008

Websites: Kanarev.innoplaza.net kanarev.inauka.ru
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Translated from Russian by A.I. Kostina (Pages: 340; Figures: 107; Tables: 48; physical and chemical equations: 315)

The new axiomatics of natural sciences is given in the book; on its basis, quantum physics and quantum chemistry have been returned to the classical way of development. The first steps are made on this way, which have led to discovery of the structure of the photon, the electron, and the principle of the formation of the atomic nuclei, the atoms and the molecules.

Planck's Law of radiation of perfect blackbody is given on the basis of classical concepts, and the connection of quantum phenomena with the laws of classical physics is proved.

The application of the new theoretical results to the solution of practical energy tasks on the basis of plasma electrolysis of water is shown. Due to this electrolysis, additional heat energy generated as well as hydrogen and oxygen are the energy containing gases. Cold Nuclear transmutation of the atomic nuclei of alkaline metals and the atomic nuclei of the cathode material takes place during plasma electrolysis of water.

The book is intended for physicists, chemists and other specialists who are seeking the new directions for understanding the foundations of the microworld and the new energy sources.

Dear reader, I ask to excuse me for bad text translation from Russian on English. I have no opportunity to pay for a qualified translation, therefore I translate texts with the help of a computer and then I correct them.

In the book the substantiation of parameters and interactions of the basic inhabitants of a microcosm is submitted: photons, electrons, protons, neutrons, nucleus of atoms, atoms, molecules and clusters and which are the basic participants of any nanotechnologies.

In the last chapter it is resulted more than 800 questions following from the new theory of a microcosm and experimental data of the author in the field of hydrogen and thermal power, and brief answers to these questions are given. The book is intended to physicists, chemists and other experts developing nanotechnologies and new energy sources.

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by Philipp M. Kanarev

Pages: 194
Publisher: Krasnodar
Year: 2000/2002

Websites: Kanarev.innoplaza.net kanarev.inauka.ru

Translated from Russian by A. I. Kostina. The Third Edition, Krasnodar 2002. 194 Pages, 50 Figures, 22 Tables and more 200 physical and chemistry equations.

The new experimental results giving excess energy cannot be explained and therefore the contemporary theoretical physics and chemistry are in a state of crisis. This crisis can be defeated only by recognizing the significance and validity of the axiom of the unity of space-matter-time in the development of the exact sciences. This directly leads them back to classical ways of progress. This approach reinforces the connection between physics and chemistry and elucidates the physico-chemical processes which are generating excess energy during the different methods of processing water.

It becomes possible to consider water electrolysis process from another point of view, to reduce significantly energy expenses for hydrogen production and to make it competitive energy carrier. The book is intended for physicists, chemists and other specialists which are seeking new energy sources and new directions for understanding the very basics of the microworld.

View count: 1
by Philipp M. Kanarev, Robert J. Hannon

Pages: 140
Publisher: Krasnodar; Topan Printing Co.
Year: 1997

Websites: Kanarev.innoplaza.net kanarev.inauka.ru

Along with the information published in Russian and in English earlier, more recent scientific results of the author are published in this book. The author tried to show the essence of the crisis of the theoretical physics and the way of overcoming of it, which is based on the new methods of calculating and analyzing of the great number of experimental data of optical a nuclear spectroscopy. These methods lead to discovering of the structures of photons, electrons, atoms, atom's nucleus, and molecules. Scientific data given in a layman's terms makes this book understandable for a wide reader interested in the problems of scientific analysis of the world structure.

Chapter 9 of this book is "The Secret of Cold Fusion". Translated from Russian by B.N. Soulimovsky (Russia). Edited by Robert J. Hannon (USA).

View count: 1
by Philipp M. Kanarev, Robert J. Hannon

Pages: 269
Publisher: Krasnodar
Year: 1995

Websites: Kanarev.innoplaza.net kanarev.inauka.ru

Translated from Russian by B.N. Soulimovsky (RUSSIA). Edited by Robert J. Hannon (U.S.A.). Reviewed by V.G. Dyomin, doctor of physical and mathematical sciences (Moscow State University).

The author shows that perversions in understanding the unity of space, matter, and time are the main reason for stagnation of the theoretical physics of XX century, and it has led to the loss of causal and consequential relationships as well as to the theoretical delusions pronounced by relativity theory. The unity of space, matter, and time turns out to be the axiom which is realized in the intrinsic relationship between the movement of anything with the passage of time. Within the context of this axiom all basic relationships quantum mechanics are deduced from laws of classical physics.

The electromagnetic structures of photons and electrons revealed by the advent of the analytical theory of spectroscopy which postulates prerequisites for the structures of atomic and ionic models based on analysis of their spectra. A great number of consequences arise from a new interpretation of well-known physical facts.

This book is intended for research workers and specialists interested in the fundamental problems involved in our efforts to understand the universe.