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Dr. Reiner Georg Ziefle
local time: 2024-05-03 18:13 (+01:00 )
Dr. Reiner Georg Ziefle (Abstracts)
Titles Abstracts Details
  • Explanation of the Anomalous Secular Increase of the Moon Orbit Eccentricity by the New Theory of Gravitation (NTG) (2013) [Updated 1 decade ago]

    day gravitational physics experiences a huge success in obtaining
    better and better experimental results. In some cases, the observations
    do not fit with the present knowledge of established physics. Phenomena,
    like the increase of the Astronomical Unit by 7 m per century or the
    so-called anomalous secular increase of the eccentricity of the lunar
    orbit by about 9 ? 10−12 per year, which can neither be
    explained by Einstein's Theory of General Relativity, nor by the
    Newtonian Theory of Gravitation, can be explained by the New Theory of

  • On the new theory of gravitation. (2011) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Reiner Georg Ziefle   read the paper:

    the example of the motion of Mercury around the Sun it is shown how
    Newton's theory of gravitation can be modified by taking into
    consideration the finite velocity of gravitational expansion and the
    concept of transmission of forces by virtual particles to be able to
    calculate so-called general relativistic phenomena as the additional
    motion of Mercury's perihelion, the curvature of a light beam at the
    surface of the sun, and the phenomena observed at the binary pulsar PSR
    (Pulsating Source of Radio Emission) 1913+16, maintaining classical
    conceptions of a Euclidean space and the Galilean principle of
    relativity. Present day gravitational physics experiences a huge success
    in obtaining better and better experimental results. In some cases the
    observations do not fit with the present knowledge of established
    physics. These phenomena, which can neither be explained by the general
    relativistic theory of Albert Einstein nor by the Newtonian theory of
    gravitation, can be explained by the new theory of gravitation of the
    author, in parts published in former articles of the author in Physics
    Essays [R. G. Ziefle, Phys.
    Essays 3, 468 (2003); Phys. Essays 18, 477 (2005)].

  • Calculation of So-called Special Relativistic Phenomena Maintaining Classical Conceptions of Relativity (2005) [Updated 6 years ago]

    It is shown in this article, how it is possible to calculate so-called special relativistic phenomena maintaining classical conceptions of relativity, using the substantiated conception, that in respect of its velocitiy electromagnetic radiation always orients itself on the gravitational field, which is predominating. In this context the characteristics  of time and space get a different interpretation than by relativistic physics.

  • Calculation of So-Called General Relativistic Phenomena by Advancing Newton's Theory of Gravitation, Maintaining Classical Conceptions of Space and Relativity (2003) [Updated 1 decade ago]
    by Reiner Georg Ziefle   read the paper:

    With the example of the motion of  Mercury around the sun it is shown, how Newton's Theory of Gravitation should be advanced by taking into consideration the finite velocity of gravitational expansion and the present concept of transference of forces by particles to be able to calculate so-called general relativistic phenomena, as the additional motion of Mercury's perihelion, the curvation of a light beam at the surface of the sun and the phenomena observed at the binary pulsar PSR 1913+16, maintaining classical conceptions of an Euklidean space and the Galileian principle of relativity.